RuneScape Wiki
Spirit impling
Spirit Impling
Release date 22 February 2010 (Update)
Hunter level 54
Experience 227 when caught in Puro-Puro

321 everywhere else

Location Puro-Puro and throughout Gielinor
Trap Butterfly net or magic butterfly net
Preferred bait None
Retaliation No
Loot See #Loot
Examine An impling that likes spirit creatures.

The Spirit impling is involved in the Hunter skill. It can be caught in the Impetuous Impulses minigame featuring the impling plane of Puro-Puro and flying around in Gielinor. Catching a Spirit impling grants 227 experience if caught in Puro-Puro, or 321 experience if caught in RuneScape.

They could be caught with a butterfly net, magic butterfly net, sacred clay butterfly net, or volatile clay butterfly net.

In Puro-Puro, a net and empty jars are required to catch any implings.

In Gielinor, they can also be caught barehanded or while wielding any item, with or without an empty impling jar. Without an empty jar player will immediately receive the loot from the impling, instead of the impling itself.

Once these requirements have been met the player simply needs to click on the impling, and the character will attempt to catch it, though there is a chance of failure, in which case the character will continue trying to do so until it is caught. Bind, Snare or Entangle could be cast on implings to prevent them from moving for different periods of time.

Upon jarring the impling, the player can either trade with Elnock Inquisitor or can free the impling from the spirit impling jar, which will leave an item behind. The player can also trade 3 impling jars for one spirit impling.

It is one of the 3 newest types of impling (together with the Zombie implings and Kingly implings) and gathers charms, spirit shards, pouches and other secondary summoning ingredients.


Charms are automatically looted from the spirit impling, and will not result in a spirit impling jar. If the player has no inventory space and catches a spirit impling that gives charms, the empty impling jar would be automatically dropped.

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Gold charmGold charm6CommonNot sold
Green charmGreen charm2–3CommonNot sold
Crimson charmCrimson charm2CommonNot sold
Blue charmBlue charm1CommonNot sold
Cockatrice eggCockatrice egg1Rare7,053
Saratrice eggSaratrice egg1Rare3,355
Vulatrice eggVulatrice egg1Rare39,817
Zamatrice eggZamatrice egg1Rare3,341
Pengatrice eggPengatrice egg1Rare5,145
Guthatrice eggGuthatrice egg1Rare3,327
Coraxatrice eggCoraxatrice egg1Rare4,603
Bronze barBronze bar(noted)Unknown5,574
Iron barIron bar5Unknown5,265
Steel barSteel bar(noted)Unknown1,918
Mithril barMithril bar1Unknown682
Adamant barAdamant bar1Unknown1,761
Rune barRune bar1Unknown2,985
Iron platebodyIron platebody5Unknown23,345
Steel platebodySteel platebody(noted)Unknown3,912
Bronze clawBronze claw6; 9Unknown8,664–12,996
Gold ringGold ring8–10 (noted)Unknown9,656–12,070
Raw rat meatRaw rat meat25 (noted)Unknown41,525
Raw chickenRaw chicken12; 15 (noted)Unknown11,256–14,070
Raw bird meatRaw bird meat(noted)Unknown6,125
Raw rabbitRaw rabbit(noted)Unknown5,142
Thin snailThin snail5Unknown5,370
Larupia furLarupia fur1Unknown11,958
Kyatt furKyatt fur1Unknown6,295
Yak-hideYak-hide5–7 (noted)Unknown2,560–3,584
Dagannoth hideDagannoth hide1Unknown6,035
Tortoise shellTortoise shell1Unknown28,106
Spider carcassSpider carcass1Unknown992
Wolf bonesWolf bones(noted)Unknown7,866
Unicorn hornUnicorn horn1Unknown3,404
Swamp lizardSwamp lizard1Unknown7,233
Swamp toadSwamp toad(noted)Unknown3,980
HoneycombHoneycomb10 (noted)Unknown9,170
Pot of flourPot of flour14–17 (noted)Unknown3,486–4,233
CompostCompost12 (noted)Unknown3,816
Evil turnip seedEvil turnip seed1–4Unknown121–484
Evil turnipEvil turnip1Unknown2,835
Carved evil turnipCarved evil turnip1Unknown3,092
Willow logsWillow logs32–65 (noted)Unknown7,936–16,120
Willow branchWillow branch(noted)Unknown6,148
BananaBanana18–24 (noted)Unknown5,256–7,008
Bagged plantBagged plant 12Unknown4,600
Potato cactusPotato cactus1Unknown5,249
Red flowersRed flowers1Unknown3,900
Ruby harvestRuby harvest(noted)Unknown5,568
Clean guamClean guam4Unknown2,952
TinderboxTinderbox10–26 (noted)Unknown4,740–12,324
HarpoonHarpoon9–14 (noted)Unknown7,020–10,920
Granite (500g)Granite (500g)(noted)Unknown6,600
Fire talismanFire talisman1Unknown209
Air talismanAir talisman(noted)Unknown1,992
Water orbWater orb(noted)Unknown11,884
Goat horn dustGoat horn dust(noted)Unknown5,800
Polar kebbit furPolar kebbit fur1Unknown8,785
Raw sharkRaw shark1Unknown1,427
Water talismanWater talisman1Unknown2,528


  • Spirit implings which carry charms are automatically opened on capture, which means that any Spirit Implings bought off other players or from the Grand Exchange will not contain charms. This prevents the 'purchasing' of summoning experience.
  • Most implings say 'Tee hee!' at random times, however, this impling states 'Wheee!' or "*Sigh*" instead.