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Spirit impling jar detail

The spirit impling jar is the result of successfully catching a Spirit impling in Impetuous Impulses.

As with all Impling jars, the Spirit impling jar can be traded in singularly to Elnock Inquisitor for three empty impling jars.

Selling this jar on the Grand Exchange will make a profit of 8,107. Trading this jar to Elnock for 3 empty jars and selling the empty jars on the Grand Exchange will give a profit of −7,521.

Note: Since any spirit implings jars with charms are automatically opened when caught, Spirit impling jars bought from the Grand Exchange will not have charms in them. This is to prevent players from purchasing Summoning experience.

If a player attempts to cast analyse or disassemble on this item, they will get the message You monster! You can't disassemble a living thing.


Looting a Spirit impling jar results in getting any of these items.

Note: You can only receive charms from implings caught by yourself, and it will be directly looted when caught.

Item Price Profit[1]
Guthatrice egg 3,327 −5,073
Pengatrice egg 5,145 −3,255
Coraxatrice egg 4,603 −3,797
Cockatrice egg 7,053 −1,347
Saratrice egg 3,355 −5,045
Vulatrice egg 39,817 31,417
Zamatrice egg 3,341 −5,059
6 Bronze bars 5,574 −2,826
5 Iron bars 5,265 −3,135
2 Steel bars 1,918 −6,482
Rune bar 2,985 −5,415
5 Iron platebody 23,345 14,945
2 Steel platebody 3,912 −4,488
9 Bronze claw 12,996 4,596
10 Gold rings 12,070 3,670
Adamant bar 1,761 −6,639
Mithril bar 682 −7,718
25 Pouches 75 −8,325
10 Honeycomb 9,170 770
Vampyre dust 570 −7,830
6 Raw bird meats 5,250 −3,150
5 Granite (500g) 6,600 −1,800
5 Thin snails 5,370 −3,030
Polar kebbit fur 8,785 385
Proboscis 6,486 −1,914
2 Willow branches 6,148 −2,252
4 Chinchompas 1,348 −7,052
5 Swamp toads 3,980 −4,420
Larupia fur 11,958 3,558
3 Wolf bones 7,866 −534
9 Raw beef 7,461 −939
4 Air talismans 1,992 −6,408
Spider carcass 992 −7,408
Flowers 3,900 −4,500
Carved evil turnip 3,092 −5,308
Graahk fur 6,623 −1,777
2 Bagged plant 1 4,600 −3,800
Dagannoth hide 6,035 −2,365
2 Goat horn dust 5,800 −2,600
13 Harpoon 10,140 1,740
12 Tinderbox 5,688 −2,712
25 Raw rat meat 41,525 33,125
Fire talisman 209 −8,191
Water talisman 2,528 −5,872
Earth talisman 185 −8,215
Tortoise shell 28,106 19,706
Swamp lizard 7,233 −1,167
Kyatt fur 6,295 −2,105
5 Raw rabbit 857 −7,543

Drop sources[]

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For an exhaustive list of all known sources for this item, see here.
Source Combat level Quantity Rarity
Motherlode MawN/A1Rare
  1. ^ Ignores selling Impling jars.