All Life points: 3,000
Life points: 3,000
All Combat experience: 0
Combat experience: 0
All Release date: 29 March 2016
Release date: 29 March 2016
All Combat level: 60
Combat level: 60
All Is members only: true
Is members only: true
All NPC ID: 22452
NPC ID: 22452
The Spirit of rage is a monster that Gregorovic summons in his fight if he is near the mask of rage. It does not attack the player. If the spirit touches Gregorovic, it will say "Hatred is power." before disappearing. The spirit gives Gregorovic increased damage for the rest of the fight. Like the Spirit of mania, it should be disposed as soon as it appears to prevent it from giving Gregorovic increased damage. Like all other spirits, multiple spirits of rage can stack on each other, amplifying Gregorovic's attacks greatly.