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Tier 1Tier 2Tier 3
Spirit pack pig chathead

The spirit pack pig is a Beast of Burden familiar that can be created in the machine under Eli's farm, after completion of the Bringing Home the Bacon quest. The familiar comes in 3 tiers. Each tier increases the usefulness of the pouch. To increase the tier of the pigs, one must upgrade the machine in the storm cellar. Each tier uses the same pouch. Upgrading the machine after obtaining a pouch still summons the higher-tiered familiar.

Tier 2 requires level 44 in Summoning, Construction and Crafting as well as 3 oak planks, 2 steel bars and 3 nails of any type.

Tier 3 requires level 84 in Summoning, Construction and Crafting as well as 3 teak planks, 2 mithril bars and 3 nails of any type(bring more incase you bend any).

These requirements are not boostable.

Tier Summoning level Slots Duration
1 14 4 14 min
2 44 8 35 min
3 84 22 55 min

10 free pack pig pouches can be gained per week by speaking to Eli with the machine set to create pack pigs.

Storage capabilities[]

See a detailed list here.

The tier 3 Pack pig has a storage capacity and duration greater than that of the War Tortoise, but a lower combat level. Unlike the tortoise, the Pack pig is non-aggressive. The cost of the pack pig pouch can't be calculated because the teeth are untradeable. However compared to the Tortoise, it requires 5 extra shards (125gp), and collecting pig teeth may take about as long as collecting tortoise shells. With the Tortoise however, you have the option of buying the shells or the pouches from other players.

However, the Pack yak is superior in every way.

The tier 2 pack pig, however, has a higher requirement than the Bull ant, but a lower storage capacity.

The tier 1 pack pig is slightly superior to the thorny snail with higher and more requirements.

Pack pig pouch[]


A pack pig pouch is used in the Summoning skill to summon a pack pig. It is made by using a Summoning pouch on the Pack pig machine with 6 spirit shards, a gold charm and a pack pig tooth in your inventory. It gives 15.6 Summoning experience when made. Using this pouch on a Summoning obelisk will enable a player to create 10 Bacon blast scroll.

Bacon blast scroll[]


The bacon blast scroll fires deadly bacon at a target (but only works with the spirit war pig familiar). 
