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Spria chathead

Spria is a Slayer Master, and the daughter of Turael. She succeeds him after he is killed in the While Guthix Sleeps quest. Tasks given by her are the same ones her father would have assigned to slayers, which makes her the new lowest level Slayer Master, and the fourth female Slayer Master, alongside Chaeldar, Sumona, and Kuradal.

She resides in south Taverley. The easiest way to reach her is to teleport to the Taverley Lodestone and then walk south-east across the bridge. Other options include using the Burthorpe Lodestone, the Troll Invasion Games necklace teleport, and teleporting to the Warriors' Guild with a Combat bracelet.

Unlike other Slayer masters, there is no Slayer or combat level requirement to receive slayer assignments from her. However players must have at least 85 combat to use her due to requirements for the While Guthix Sleeps quest. Additionally, Spria will offer to change a Slayer assignment from another master into a less difficult one. She will only do this once per assignment, and only if the first assignment is not one that she would ordinarily give.

She gives no Slayer points per task – and changing a task with Spria will also mean the player would have to complete another four tasks to start earning points again. If a player changes their task with Spria, their task count will be reset back to zero.


Monster Amount Low level Alternative Combat Level (Slayer Experience per monster) High Level Alternative(s) Combat Level (Slayer Experience per Monster) Weighting
Banshees 15-50 Banshee 23 (22) Mighty banshee 90 (85) 30
Bats Bat 6 (8) Giant bat 27 [Varies in Daemonheim bats] (32) 10
Birds Chicken 1 (3) Terrorbird 28 (34) 10
Bears Grizzly bear cub 15, 19, 33, 36 (20, 25, 35, 45) Grizzly bear 21, 42 (27, 35) 10
Cave bugs Cave bug 6 (5) Cave bug 96 (93) 10
Cave slime Cave Slime 23 (25) None - 30
Cows Cow calf 2 (6) Cow 2 (8) 10
Crawling Hands Crawling Hand 7, 8, 11, 12 (15, 16, 18, 19) Zombie hand, Skeletal Hand 90 (100), 80 (100) 30
Desert Lizards Desert Lizard 12 (15) Desert Lizard 42 (40) 30
Dogs Jackal 21 (27) Wild dog 63 (62) 15
Dwarves Dwarf, Black Guard 7, 10, 11, 20, 37 (10, 16, 18, 26), 60 (17) Dwarf gang member, Chaos Dwarf, Chaos dwarf hand cannoneer 44/48/49 (40/25/25), 48 (61), 100 (122) 10
Gelatinous Abominations 5 Gelatinous abomination 4 (6.6) None - [1]
Ghosts 15-50 Ghost 19, 24, 29, 36, 76, 77, 79 (25, 20, 21, 30, 75, 80, ...) Revenants, Ghost (Daemonheim) 7-135 (10-155), 5-199 (N/A) 15
Goblins Goblin 1, 2, 5, 11, 13, 16, 25 (3, 5, 6, 6, 12, 17, ...) Cave Goblin Guard Sergeant Grimspike/Steelwill/Strongstack 24/26 (23,25) 141/142 (127,128,158) 10
Grotworms 15-30 Young grotworm (15) Giant worm, Grotworm, Mature grotworm 283 (205) 15
Icefiends 10-20 Icefiend (God Wars Dungeon) 13, 17, 18 (15) Icefiend (Ghorrock Fortress) 132 (126) 10
Minotaurs 15-50 Minotaur 12 (10) Minotaur 27 (22) 10
Monkeys Karamjan Monkey 3 (6) Monkey Guard, Monkey Archer, Zombie Monkey 167 (130), 86 (50), 82/129 (60/90) 10
Pigs Pig None - 10
Scorpions Scorpion 14, 37, 59 (17, ..., ...) King Scorpion, Poison Scorpion, Pit Scorpion 32 (30), 20 (23), 28 (32) 10
Skeletons Skeleton 21-142 (24-112) Skeletal hand, Skeletal mage, Giant skeleton or Skeleton (Daemonheim), Giant skeleton (Daemonheim) 80 (100), Varies (?), 100 (?) or 3-178 (Varies), 28-178 (34-244) 15
Spiders Spider, Giant Spider 1 (2), 2 (6) Shadow spider, Crypt spider, Giant crypt spider, Spider, Giant spider, Night spider, Deadly red spider 52 (50), 56 (60), 79 (80), 24 (20), 59 (65) 10
Trolls 5-20 Troll Troll General, Mountain troll, Cliff - 10
Wolves 15-50 Adolescent White wolf 3 (6) Big wolf, Ice wolf 73 (74), 96/132 (70/70) 15
Zombies Zombie 13, 18, 22, 24, 25, 30, 32, 40, 44, 53, 78, 85 (22, 24, 30, 30, 30, 40, 50, 53, 56, 62, 74, ...) Armoured zombie, Zombie (Daemonheim) 85 (85), 4-152 (9-268(melee), 3-128, 8-253(ranged)) 10
  1. ^ Only assigned right after blocking an assignment.

*Many slayer monsters have numerous variants of the monster assigned. This list is not inclusive of all variants. Please check the monster's page for more specific information about the different variants.

Slayer Challenge[]

After a player has performed several Slayer tasks for Spria, she will occasionally offer a special task in place of a regular Slayer task. The player can decline to take the special task without penalty. If the player accepts the special task, completing the task earns 1,000 Slayer experience (no Slayer experience is earned during the task).

Spria's special task is for the player to slay, in a single trip, all of the beasts in Spria's basement. The monsters are:

  • Level 5 goblin (2)
  • Level 11 goblin (2)
  • Level 13 goblin (1)
  • Level 11 wolf (2)
  • Level 14 wolf (3)
  • Level 12 minotaur (5)

Task weighting[]

The percentage chance of getting assigned a given Slayer task can be calculated using the formula

where is the task's weight and is the sum of all weights for the particular Slayer Master. Note that the weights of all blocked tasks, as well as tasks toggled off have to be subtracted from the sum . Preferring a task doubles its chance of being assigned.

For Spria, assuming all possible assignments are available, S = 355.


Audio options icon
Spria, speaking using Turael's voice. This has been fixed.

  • During Animal Magnetism, Ava mentions that Spria was seen with Turael investigating the undead trees.
  • In the same quest it was mentioned that players have not seen her (unless they've done While Guthix Sleeps) because she had been on a military mission.
  • Spria did not receive a graphical update in Troll Warzone update.
  • When completing the Burthorpe/Taverley task "The Red Mist Descends", the hint information does not account for the slaying of Turael during While Guthix Sleeps, therefore telling players to speak with Turael while actually leading them to Spria. However, since the removal of the aforementioned tasks, this is no longer an issue.
  • Spria "writes" down your assignment instead of telling you if you are a high level. When using NPC contact on the Lunar spellbook, as a high level, to get a task from her, she still says that she will write it down despite the fact that you can be anywhere in RuneScape.
  • An update on 9 June 2014 gave most shop owners a new set of idle animations. This causes her halberd to be sheathed, and graphically updated in the process.