RuneScape Wiki
This article is about the plateskirt version. For the platelegs version, see Steel armour set (lg).

Steel armour set (sk) detail

The steel armour set (sk) is an armour set requiring level 20 defence to equip and is from the Grand Exchange. It can only be made into a set by exchanging it with the Grand Exchange clerks. It contains a steel platebody, steel plateskirt, steel full helm, and a steel kiteshield.

Sets are commonly used to reduce the amount of bank space taken up, which is especially useful in Free-to-play.

To smith a set, 13 steel bars are necessary. (5 for platebody, 3 for legs, 2 for helm, and 3 for kiteshield), and if done from scratch (including smelting of steel bars), 1 set will grant a total of 715 smithing experience. Smithing just the armour components from steel bars grants 487 smithing experience.

A player wearing Steel armour (sk)


Steel Armour Grand Exchange cost
Steel full helmSteel full helm1,065 [graph]
Steel platebodySteel platebody1,956 [graph]
Steel plateskirtSteel plateskirt1,556 [graph]
Steel kiteshieldSteel kiteshield1,834 [graph]
Total price6,411
[view] [talk]

Components and Bonuses[]

Main-hand Off-hand Attributes Style bonus
Style Dmg Acc Style Dmg Acc Defence Constitution Prayer Attack-icon Ranged-icon Magic-icon
Steel full helm Steel full helm - - - - - - 63 0 0 - - -
Steel platebody Steel platebody - - - - - - 72 0 0 - - -
Steel plateskirt Steel plateskirt - - - - - - 69 0 0 - - -
Steel kiteshield Steel kiteshield - - - - - - 63 0 0 - - -
Totals - - - - - - 267 0 0 - - -