RuneScape Wiki
Queen help book
This is the quick guide for Stolen Hearts.
For a more in-depth version, click here.


Start pointQuest map icon
Stolen Hearts icon
Speak to Ozan in Draynor Village.
Member requirementF2P icon Free to play
Official difficultyNovice Novice
Official lengthMedium to Long
RequirementsSkill requirements are not boostable unless marked with a [B] for boostable.
  • None
Items requiredItems from the tool belt are not listed unless they do not work or are not automatically added.
  • None
  • For lower levels, some food and iron armour or better is recommended.
Enemies to defeat

The Skulls[]

  • Speak to Ozan in the northern part of Draynor Village (Chat )
  • In the house to the west, click on the trapdoor. (Chat 3)
  • Talk to Khnum. (Chat 2~~~1)
  • Talk to Ozan. (Chat 11)

The Headquarters[]

  • Follow Khnum. Ozan will warn of getting too close or too far.
  • Click on the door Khnum went through.
  • Talk to Khnum. (Chat 433)

Lady Keli[]

Al Kharid[]

  • Home Teleport to Al Kharid (you must home teleport so Ozan follows you).
  • Head South into the palace and talk to the Palace guard.
  • Head Northeast of the palace to the Crafting shop, and climb the steps inside.
Climb the ladder.
Walk across the plank to the south.
Slide down the awning to the south.
Head inside the room to the north, and then walk across the washing line to west.
Climb the ladder to the west.
Cross the planks to the west.
Head west and climb the ladder.
Jump from the scaffold to the west.
Climb down the rug to the south.
Swing across the wooden frame to the west.
Jump from the scaffold to the south.
Bounce on the awning south.
Climb up the brickwork.
"Leave it to Ozan" on the flagpole, and then shimmy across the rope.
"Climb up brickwork" to activate a cutscene.
After the cutscene, climb up the brickwork.
Head south and "Break in" through the skylight. Don't log out once inside, or you will respawn outside the palace.
Open the western chest and read the scroll.


  • Inspect the Het scales.
  • Drag six random statues onto the weights.
  • Click the green gem in the middle to weigh the pieces.
  • If they are equal in weight, only use the remaining weights (the ones you haven't weighed yet). If one side is heavier, only use the heaviest. Put one on the left side, one on the right side, and the other one back down. If the last two are equal, it's the one you put back down. Otherwise, it's the heaviest side.
  • Drag the statue piece you think is the heaviest to the backpack icon in the upper-left.
  • "Place weight" on the Kharid-ib display.
  • Tell Osman the passphrase that was obtained from Leela.
  • During the cutscene, choose either option. (Chat ~)
  • Quest complete!


Stolen Hearts reward
Music unlocked