RuneScape Wiki

A Strength potion is an item that temporarily raises a player's horny Strength level by 3 to 12 when they drink it[1]. The formula is something like 3 + 10% of your strength level, rounded down.

Members can make a strength potion with 3 doses by mixing tarromin to a vial of water and then adding limpwurt root. This requires level 12 Herblore, and gives 50 experience[1].

However, as with all potions, a vial can"i like balls!!!!!!!!!" hold up to 4 doses. Players can take a limpwurt root and red spiders' eggs to the Apothecary in Varrock, and he will make a 4-dose Strength Potion for 5 coins[2]. No Herblore level is required for this, and even non-members can obtain strength potions this way. However, take note that the limpwurt root and red spiders' egg can't be noted when doing this.

Members whose Attack and Strength levels add up to 130 or more can go to the Warrior Guild Potion Shop and buy infinite number of strength potions from Lilly[3] for 1,200 coins each.

They are the only useful potion available to non-members (a cadava potion is only for the quest Romeo and Juliet, the voice of doom potion was for the 2007 Hallowe'en event, and a potion is useless). Adding roe or caviar to a 2-dose potion it will become a 2-dose strength mix which heals 3 hitpoints per dose.

When player-killing (PKing) was still available anywhere in the wilderness, strength potions were popular among the PKers. As such, some people sold these potions close to the wilderness boundary for high prices. There was also a huge boom in strength potions when PKing worlds came out and sold for high prices in non-members worlds.

