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Strong cooking urn detail

A strong cooking urn can be created at 51 Crafting. It is used with the Cooking skill to help with gaining experience.

The urn is filled when the player has earned 5,250 Cooking xp with the urn in inventory. Once the strong cooking urn is full, it becomes a strong cooking urn (full) and can be teleported to Ernie for 1,050 Cooking experience.

All cooking urns give you 20% more experience per cooked food item.

The best place to make urns is in the Crafting Guild, which requires Level 40 Crafting or in Prifddinas. Otherwise, players may find it easy to complete in Gunnarsgrunn, Taverley or Burthorpe.

2 soft clay and 1 fire rune are required to fully make.

Steps to complete:

  1. Mine clay
  2. Use the clay on a water source to make soft clay. Which an be skipped if the clay was mined with a bracelet of clay
  3. Use the soft clay on a potter's wheel. You may need to use the drop down menu in the top left of the window to select the urn category.
  4. Use the (unf) urns on a pottery oven to fire them.
  5. Add a fire rune to the urn.

Many different foods under level 55 may be cooked. The following are only examples.

Loading the urn
Food XP per
per Food
# of Food
to Fill
Mackerel 60 1.14% 88
Redberry pie 78 1.49% 68
Salmon 90 1.71% 59
Tuna 100 1.9% 53
Meat pie 110 2.1% 48
Lobster 120 2.29% 44
Swordfish 140 2.67% 38


[FAQ] • [doc]


  • Beverages will not fill the Cooking Urns.
  • Strong cooking urns can only be filled by food that has a requirement of 55 cooking or below.
  • The bonus experience from bonfires does not contribute to the amount of xp required to fill the urn.