All Life points: 1,300
Life points: 1,300
All Combat experience: 56.1
Combat experience: 56.1
All Release date: 12 November 2007
Release date: 12 November 2007
All Combat level: 36
Combat level: 36
All Is members only: true
Is members only: true
All NPC ID: 6473
NPC ID: 6473
Strongbones is the last goblin priest to battle in the Land of the Goblins quest as well as the Hopespear's Will miniquest. He is also the most intelligent of the five high goblin priests. He calls many skoblins to aid him, and if one is dead, it will be replaced immediately by another. He is located in the crypt inside the Goblin Temple, which itself is beneath the Goblin Cave.
He seems to know that the chosen commander is a female, although the goblin prophet, Hopespear, doesn't know it.
He speaks English fluently and properly; this is because he was alive during a time when goblins were a highly intelligent race.
He should not be fought with area of effect abilities, as if a skoblin minion dies after Strongbones does by any means, your conversation will be interupted.