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For this item's augmented variant, see Augmented Sunspear (melee).
For other variants of this item, see ranged, magic.

Sunspear (melee) detail

The Sunspear (melee) is a level 78 degradable spear made during the quest River of Blood. It acts as a Sunspear against vampyres, as wolfbane against the werewolves in Canifis, and a spear against the Corporeal Beast. At any point it can be switched to a two-handed javelin or magic staff version using the Switch-style right-click option, retaining all current charges.

During River of Blood, it is made by combining a blisterwood shaft, wolfbane, and the broken Sunspear, requiring 75 Fletching. It can only be created once, but can be reclaimed (with full charge) from Ivan Strom for 600,000 coins. It can also be augmented using an augmentor, and retains the ability to switch styles.

Sunspear degrades to a broken state after 15,000 charges of combat. It can be repaired by a Repair NPC for 600,000 coins, or on an armour stand for less.

It is statistically identical to Vesta's spear, though it does not have a special attack.

Completing the quest also unlocks this weapon as a cosmetic override.

Combat Stats
RequirementsDegradesSunspear (melee) equipped
78 Attack15,000 charges
Attack Melee2h slot
Average (3.6s)
AttributesDamage reduction
DefenceArmour0PvM: 0%PvP: 0%
ConstitutionLife points0Style bonuses
Sunspear benefits

Sunspear, like blisterwood weapons, is fully effective against all vampyres, vyrewatch, and vyrelords/ladies; when fighting them, it has the following benefits:

  • Able to damage them
  • Prevent juvinates in Darkmeyer (but not elsewhere) from transforming into dust and escaping
  • +50% hit chance
  • Chance to deal up to double the normal damage for that attack (including bleeds like Dismember)
  • Automatically cremates vyre corpses, granting 280 Prayer and 200 Firemaking experience (+50% with Morytania achievements complete), with a 20% chance of dropping additional loot (similar to Shiny columbarium key loot; increased chance with columbarium ring)
    • Cremations this way do not count towards the total cremations

See Category:Susceptible to blisterwood weapons for a full list of affected monsters.


The base repair cost of the Sunspear (melee) when completely degraded to 0.0% item charge is 600,000 coins. It can be repaired by:

Alternatively, it can be repaired on an armour stand in a player-owned house, or a whetstone device anywhere. This provides a discount of 0.5% per Smithing level (including boosts).

If it is only partially degraded, then the cost of a full repair is multiplied by the percentage of item charge that needs to be repaired to produce the current repair cost.

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Comparison with other melee weapons[]


Name Levels Cost Damage/Accuracy (Tier) Notes
Zaros godsword Zaros godsword 92 Melee 1,014,827,801 2056 / 2577 (92)
  • Has a special attack, Blackhole, which summons a black hole over the player's location for 20 seconds. While this black hole is active, melee damage is increased by 25%, and if your target enters the black hole, it takes 25-50% ability damage every 1.8 seconds. This costs 50% adrenaline and has a 60-second cooldown that is not shared with Berserk.
  • Has an attack range of 1, which is less than the Noxious scythe
  • Degrades: has 60,000 charges of combat, and costs 4,800,000 coins to repair via a Repair NPC, or discounted at an armour stand
Noxious scythe Noxious scythe 90 Melee 227,048,518 2011 / 2458 (90)
Superior Vesta's spear Superior Vesta's spear 88 Melee 16,318,085 1967 / 2343 (88)
  • Has a special attack, Spear Wall, which requires 50% adrenaline. The wielder swings the spear, damaging enemies in a 3x3 grid and reflecting 50% of damage taken for 5 seconds. Using the special attack will take out 0.1% of the weapon's charges.
  • Is currently the strongest weapon available to use against the Corporeal Beast
  • Degrades: has 100,000 charges of combat, and when it runs out of charges degrades to dust.
Annihilation Annihilation 87 Melee 34,261,936 1944 / 2287 (87)
  • Has a special attack, Gravitate, which uses 60% adrenaline. When used, for 30 seconds all successful attacks on your opponent(s) adds a stack (one stack per ability, or two stacks per Legacy Mode auto-attack), which increases your damage by 1% per stack (capping at 20%). The effect resets the timer and stacks if you use the special attack twice before 30 seconds, and the effect and stacks are cleared at the end of the 30 seconds, when an attack misses, or if you switch out your weapon.
  • Degrades: has 60,000 charges of combat, and costs 4,500,000 coins to repair via a Repair NPC, or discounted at an armour stand
Dragon Rider lance Dragon Rider lance 85 Melee 44,248,419 1788 / 2458 (85)


Name Levels Cost Damage/Accuracy (Tier) Notes
Khopesh of Tumeken Khopesh of Elidinis Khopesh of Tumeken and Khopesh of Elidinis 92 Melee 360,294,746 (Main hand)
420,911,540 (Off-hand)
883 / 2577 (92)
441 / 2577 (92)
Drygore mace Off-hand drygore mace Drygore Mace and Off-hand drygore mace 90 Melee 22,193,582 (Main hand)
36,894,083 (Off-hand)
864 / 2458 (90)
432 / 2458 (90)
  • Degrades: Both the Main hand and Off-hand have 60,000 charges of combat (but lose 2 charges per hit), and costs 3,000,000 coins and 1,500,000 coins to repair respectively via a Repair NPC, or discounted at an armour stand
  • Main hand mace comes with an additional 9+ prayer bonus while doing the same damage as other drygore weaponry.
Drygore rapier Drygore longsword Off-hand drygore rapier Off-hand drygore longsword Drygore Rapier or Drygore Longsword and Off-hand drygore rapier or Off-hand drygore longsword 90 Melee {18,513,904 (Main hand rapier)
35,884,274 (Main hand longsword)
35,841,340 (Off-hand rapier)
42,116,327 (Off-hand longsword)
1102 / 2458 (90)
551 / 2458 (90)
  • Degrades: Both the Main hand and Off-hand have 60,000 charges of combat (but lose 2 charges per hit), and costs 3,000,000 coins and 1,500,000 coins to repair respectively via a Repair NPC, or discounted at an armour stand
  • Rapiers are stab style. Longsword are slash style. They are otherwise identical.
Elite tetsu katana Elite tetsu wakizashi Elite tetsu katana and wakizashi 88 Melee 1 Tetsu katana
1 Tetsu wakizashi
2 Tetsu sword upgrade kit
15 Plate
1078 / 2343 (88)
539 / 2343 (88)
Superior Statius's warhammer Superior Statius's warhammer 88 Melee 93,172,963 1311 / 2343 (88)
  • Has a special attack, Smash, which requires 35% adrenaline and deals up to 50% more damage and lowers your opponent's Defence level by 30%. It also applies a debuff that increases the target's Affinity values by five for one minute. Using the special will take out 0.1% of its charges.
Superior Vesta's longsword Superior Vesta's longsword 88 Melee 11,591,645 1078 / 2343 (88)
  • Has a special attack, Feint, which requires 25% adrenaline, has increased accuracy, and deals 50-300% ability damage. This attack has variable minimum and maximum hits; the minimum between 50%-83% and maximum 150%-217% above said minimum. Overall it can hit between 50%-300%, but because of this players are less likely to hit spectacularly high or low. Using the special attack will take out 0.1% of the weapon's charges.
  • Degrades: has 100,000 charges of combat, and when it runs out of charges degrades to dust.
Blade of Nymora Blade of Avaryss Blade of Nymora and Blade of Avaryss 85 Melee 3,504,029 (Main hand)
3,410,284 (Off-hand)
768 / 2458 (85)
384 / 2458 (85)
Tetsu katana Tetsu wakizashi Tetsu katana and wakizashi 85 Melee 150 Plate
75 Pearls
2 Tengu tsuba
1041 / 2178 (85)
520 / 2178 (85)


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