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For the potion flask version, see Super Guthix rest flask.

Super Guthix rest detail

A Super Guthix rest potion is made by mixing a jug of wine of Guthix with a Guthix rest (3). This requires level 93 Herblore and yields 59.5 experience. Upon being drunk, it cures poison, provides about 30 seconds of poison immunity, heals 650 life points and can temporarily boost your maximum life points by 650, and gives 15% adrenaline.

Drinking this potion will prevent the player from drinking adrenaline potions for 120 seconds as they share the same cooldown timer, the "Adrenaline potion prevention" debuff also appears upon drinking super Guthix rest. However, more doses of Super Guthix rest can be drunk during this time for its other effects, allow it to essentially act as a food item that takes more clicks to consume but does not reduce adrenaline, much like Saradomin brews, but heals less, does not affect combat stats, and is much cheaper, on top of being a weaker adrenaline potion that is tradeable.

On the other hand, while it is not possible to drink adrenaline potions at full adrenaline, it is possible to drink super Guthix rests, and this will put the adrenaline gain from potions on cooldown.

Price per Dose[]

Item GE price Price per dose
Super Guthix rest (1) Super Guthix rest (1) 386 386
Super Guthix rest (2) Super Guthix rest (2) 805 403
Super Guthix rest (3) Super Guthix rest (3) 2,840 947
Super Guthix rest (4) Super Guthix rest (4) 6,900 1,725
Super Guthix brew flask (6) Super Guthix brew flask (6) 18,066 3,011


Super Guthix rest (3) Super Guthix rest (3)
Herblore-Make-X GE icon
59.5 XP-2,840
Herblore Herblore level93
P2P icon Members onlyYes
Guthix rest (3)Guthix rest (3)1363363
Wine of GuthixWine of Guthix11,1541,154
Total price1,517


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