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For the potion flask version, see Super Saradomin brew flask.

Super Saradomin brew detail

A Super Saradomin brew is an upgraded version of the normal Saradomin brew. It is created by mixing a Saradomin brew (3) with a wine of Saradomin. It heals 1300 life points per dose. Mixing a super Saradomin brew requires a Herblore level of 93 and yields 180 xp in Herblore. Like Saradomin brews, it increases Defence but decreases Attack, Strength, Magic, and Ranged levels.

This potion is one of very few ways to raise life points above the normal maximum. The boosting effect will not stack with rocktail, but it will stack with the warmth of a bonfire. It also doesn't decrease adrenaline like traditional food.

Price per Dose[]

Item GE price Price per dose
Super Saradomin brew (1) Super Saradomin brew (1) 4,048 4,048
Super Saradomin brew (2) Super Saradomin brew (2) 15,528 7,764
Super Saradomin brew (3) Super Saradomin brew (3) 52,812 17,604
Super Saradomin brew (4) Super Saradomin brew (4) 69,152 17,288
Super Saradomin brew flask (6) Super Saradomin brew flask (6) 129,517 21,586


Super Saradomin brew (3) Super Saradomin brew (3)
Herblore-Make-X GE icon
180 XP-52,812
Herblore Herblore level93
P2P icon Members onlyYes
Saradomin brew (3)Saradomin brew (3)114,89214,892
Wine of SaradominWine of Saradomin154,57154,571
Total price69,463


[FAQ] • [doc]


  • The vial seems to develop a wooden frame when filled with super Saradomin brew.