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RuneScape Wiki

Swamp weed detail

Swamp weed is a plant dropped by many Slayer monsters, such as Cave bugs and Molanisks, in the Dorgesh-Kaan South Dungeon. One of the uses is to cook it on a range for soda ash. Players can also catch it with a net while fishing for Giant frogspawn in Lumbridge Swamp Caves, giving 1 experience point. Swamp weeds are not stackable.

Swamp weed is also used by the Dorgeshuun cave goblins as a common cooking ingredient, as it is one of the few green plants that grow in or near Dorgesh-Kaan. An example of this can be seen in eel sushi, in which swamp weed is wrapped around raw cave eel or slimy eel. This is a reference to seaweed used in Japanese sushi.

Drop sources[]

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Source Combat level Quantity Rarity
Cave bug8; 121–8Common


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