RuneScape Wiki
This article is about a bowl of sweetcorn. For uncooked sweetcorn, see sweetcorn.
Hatchet head (dragon)
Sweetcorn (bowl) was removed after an update.
The contents of this page no longer exist in RuneScape, and this article is kept for historical purposes.

Sweetcorn (bowl) detail

A bowl of sweetcorn was both food and a cooking ingredient. It could be made by using a bowl on a cooked sweetcorn; this did not require a knife, nor did it provide any Cooking experience. As food, when eaten, it provided healing identical to cooked sweetcorn. A bowl of sweetcorn was called "Sweetcorn" in-game, both at the Grand Exchange and while in the inventory. This created confusion among players as raw sweetcorn has the same in-game name.

Its primary use, though, was as an ingredient in making tuna and corn. At level 67 Cooking, with a knife in inventory, members could use a bowl of sweetcorn with cooked tuna to create tuna and corn. This mixture healed 130 Life points when eaten, but was usually added to a potato with butter at level 68 Cooking to create a tuna potato that heals 220 Life points.

On 17 October 2012, bowls of sweetcorn were removed from the game and replaced with cooked sweetcorn.
