All Life points: 2,250
Life points: 2,250
All Combat experience: 132
Combat experience: 132
All Release date: 19 February 2007
Release date: 19 February 2007
All Combat level: 63
Combat level: 63
All Is members only: true
Is members only: true
All NPC ID: 5595
NPC ID: 5595
A swordchick is created by using a raw chicken and a raw swordfish on the swordchick altar of life in the dungeon and then activating the altar. The swordchick altar is in the south-west corner of the Creature Creation dungeon. The Homunculus in the dungeon then creates the monster, which appears near the altar and will attack the player.
The swordchick is the only monster in Creature Creation that drops an item (feathers) in addition to bones, satchels, tea flasks, and one of the ingredients required to make the creature.