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Tales of Nomad
Release date 26 September 2016 (Update)
Members Yes
Quest series None
Developer(s) James C
Age Sixth Age
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Tales of Nomad is a miniquest chronicling Nomad's life. It takes place after Nomad's Elegy and tells his story via static scenes from his life found at various locations indicated by cryptic hints. Most of the narrative is revealed through examine texts.

The completion of the miniquest is required to obtain the master quest cape and the trimmed completionist cape.


Start pointQuest map icon Sift through Nomad's memory in the Underworld
Member requirementP2P icon Members only
Official difficultyNone
Official lengthShort
RequirementsSkill requirements are not boostable unless marked with a [B] for boostable.
Quest Quests:
Items requiredItems from the tool belt are not listed unless they do not work or are not automatically added.
  • None
Enemies to defeat
  • None

The player must locate memories through out Gielinor. The places to go for each step are given as cryptic clues. As such, this page has optional hints and spoilers.

Much of the story of the miniquest is told via static 'NPCs' around you - their actions and their examines.


Return to the Underworld by passing through the door in Death's office. Sift through Nomad's memory on the western side of the lower level, before the bridge. Ensure you click to "end" the memory before moving on, the next memory will not appear without it.

# Memory Hints Location

My life began here, at the Village Edge.
Walls of stone were my home, but now they are all but gone.
Trees instead have taken my place.
The trees are not me.

Trees near broken stone walls in the Village Edge. By the graves near the yew trees in Edgeville, south of the bank.

A rune aflame hangs in the air east of me.
I lay beneath a dead thing, it's arms shield me from the sun's fury.
To my west a sapphire hangs in the night sky.

A flaming rune hanging, a sapphire moon in the sky. West of Aubury's rune shop in Varrock, east of the Blue Moon Inn.
Shop signs hang, and sapphires are blue.

After I had made the streets my own, a man came to me with promises of even more power.
He took me to a place where magic is solidified into stones, varied and powerful.

Making magic stones is a skill. At the Ourania altar, near the altar itself at the end of the tunnel.
What sort of runecrafting altar gives varied runes?

My master lacked vision.
More interested in learning about souls than he was about harnessing their limitless power.
Soon I realised he was a chain weighing me down.
I needed power enough to vanquish him and I knew of only one place where I could harvest enough.

Nomad is well known for harvesting souls. Nomad's throne room - enter the tent in the Soul Wars lobby area. After Nomad's Elegy talk to Zanik/Zimberfizz ashes about the soul obelisk to re-enter.

I had power and I had knowledge, but I knew that I could not defeat my greatest enemy, death.
I delved into forbidden lore and sought out the darkest magical knowledge.

Necromancy, the mastery over death itself, seemed like the answer I sought and yet none possessed the knowledge I needed.
Finally I learned of a necromancer of great skill.

Imagine my disappointment to learn that he had lost the true faith and fallen to the worship of the Adversary.

The "true faith" and "the Adversary" from the perspective of Nomad. In Dragith Nurn's chamber at the end of the Lumbridge Catacombs.
A fallen and skilled necromancer who defected from Zamorak to Saradomin, who has gone beyond death.

Dragith Nurn had been a dead end. His corpse held no more secrets than any other and I returned to my research.
I learned of a new necromancer, a powerful being called Lucien.

I needed his attention and I knew being his rival would earn more notice than being a sycophant.

I knew he was preparing a great attack and I would get his attention by standing against him.

His cousin also invaded this city. Near the small guard house just outside of the east gate in to Varrock.
There's a lot of undead in the digsite - remnants or source? East seems as good as any direction to invade from.

I called the mahjarrat Lucien my master and he in turn treated me like a servant.
Whereas Oreb had taught me how to manipulate souls and even absorb their power, Lucien had kept all his greatest secrets of necromancy hidden from me.

But he had power, I could sense it.
Something external, an object of great potency and I desired it.
I knew I was no match for Lucien on my own and so I created a new means to empower myself, granting myself strength that would rival Lucien's own.

We've been through here before. Between the two graveyards in the Soul Wars lobby.
Nomad has his soul obelisk, how is he gonna power it?

By sending the warriors forth to battle mighty avatars, I knew that their souls would be enriched.
Each death that befell them drained them of a portion of their soul and funneled it to me.

But Lucien was no fool and he learned of my actions.
He sent agents to face me, but none were a match.

None but one, an agent with strength enough to kill me.

Who's killed Nomad before? Nomad's throne room - enter the tent in the Soul Wars lobby area.
You completed Nomad's Requiem, right?

But the power of the soul obelisk healed me enough to grant me my escape.
I went into hiding and the world changed.
The gods returned.

I needed information, I needed to know the new games the gods were playing.
So I sought out the Kinshra spymaster, hidden in the heart of the enemy.
In seclusion we spoke and to ease his ego I named him master.

Where would a Kinshra spy be most effective? Falador castle courtyard, south-west area.

My new master was weak and found himself corrupted by those he was sent to observe.
I no longer feel a loyalty for the god of my parents, but I cannot abide weakness.

I asked him to meet me near the place that he once called home and I asked him to tell me what he sees in the shadows below.
Death and blood he said.

He was right.

Home of a Kinshra spymaster, with a 'below' that can be looked on. Just west of the entrance to the Black Knight's Fortress.
It's not underground.

The world had changed and with it I discovered a new source of power.
Power that seemed to float from the very ground, it sustained and strengthened me.
I craved more and more of it.

In a place where the water itself was lethal, I devoured the divine energy that flickered around me.
There it was that my greatest foe finally caught up with me.

Divine energy and lethal water, sounds familiar. Near the incandescent wisps south of the poison wastes - on the northern shore, slightly west of the crater.
It's on the shoreline of said lethal water.

Death finally took me and for a moment all was lost.
Then we met again Player.

We always return to the beginning, to where it all started, don't we?

The start of which 'it' are we going to? Return to the underworld where the miniquest started.
The simplest answer is probably right.

Congratulations, miniquest complete!






  • Several memories include voice acting from Mod Raven.