RuneScape Wiki
This talk page is for discussing the Castaways page.


My assumptions/predictions for the cycles are:

Batch 1 bottles still need to be sorted, but I think we're pretty confident they're all 1, 2, and 3 day cycles at this point. — Heaven Sent (talk) 17:19, October 26, 2016 (UTC)

About Quis-land's bottle, Mod Orion tweeted me that it either spawned on the 16th or 17th not the 18th. Salix of Prifddinas (Talk) 19:08, October 26, 2016 (UTC)
Also, I'm pretty sure the Cannonball Run is possibly every 3 days - I'm certain I got it atween 11 and 17 October. Just be careful ye dinnae exclude results tae fit yer theory Template:Signatures/Ciphrius Kane 19:52, October 26, 2016 (UTC)
By all means! I want you to prove me wrong more than prove me right. — Heaven Sent (talk) 20:19, October 26, 2016 (UTC)
Wanted to add that Quis-land's bottle can be spotted today (26 October). Also in regards to the first batch, I found all of them on 9 October. For future reference: all dates above are in 2016. Salix of Prifddinas (Talk) 20:33, October 26, 2016 (UTC)
Message in a bottle (Eisetes Cretor) was spotted today by IP's recent edit. I'm very confident it is a 7 day spawn cycle. — Heaven Sent (talk) 20:44, November 2, 2016 (UTC)
Message in a bottle (Agar Atoll) spotted on Nov 11th, had other clan member with me. Appears to be instanced, I was able to see and pick it up, he did not see it.
Fixed a link to the bottle and did the other clan member already find it once? If they have it in their inventory/bank, they won't find it there again, unless they destroy it. It doesn't seem the bottles are instanced though, everyone should be able to see the same ones with the exception I mention earlier (about having the bottle already). Salix of Prifddinas (Talk) 16:16, November 13, 2016 (UTC)
I just got Quis-land's bottle today, 11/13/16 --User:Heavyoak/Signature 18:20, November 13, 2016 (UTC)

Cycles table[]

Cycles table (correct it please with new data, only dates found, also please check the date to make sure it's the date of the game (as in game time) and only add info about bottles you just found (not ones you found earlier) - also all dates are in 2016).

Once you find the bottle, that bottle will be visible for you always unless you have it banked/in your inventory!

This is just in: Mod Rowley confirmed on Twitter that bottles appear on the same day for everyone: "The 24-hr period of time in which they can be discovered is the same for everyone, yes. based on UTC/game time."

Message in a bottle Cycle of days Spotted dates
Message in a bottle (Milky Bay) Everyday 8 Oct, 9 Oct, 10 Oct, etc
Message in a bottle (The Goon Docks) Everyday? 8 Oct, 9 Oct, 10 Oct, etc
Message in a bottle (Christmas Island) 3? 8 Sept, 8 Oct, 11 Oct, 12 Oct, 16 Oct, 17 Oct, 23 Oct, 26 Oct, 4 Nov, 7 Nov, 10 Nov, 13 Nov, 16 Nov
Message in a bottle (The Island Which May or May Not Have Monkeys on It) 4? 9 Sept, 8 Oct, 12 Oct (11 Oct?), 27 Oct, 4 Nov, 8 Nov, 12 Nov, 16 Nov
Message in a bottle (Springbreak Island) 2? 8 Oct, 27 Oct, 31 Oct, 5 Nov, 6 Nov, 8 Nov, 10 Nov, 12 Nov, 15 Nov, 16 Nov
Message in a bottle (Cannonball Run) 6 11 Oct, 14? Oct, 17 Oct, 29 Oct, 4 Nov, 10 Nov, 16 Nov
Message in a bottle (Eisetes Cretor) 7 12 Oct, 19 Oct, 26 Oct, 2 Nov, 9 Nov, 16 Nov
Message in a bottle (The Hamlet) 4? 15 Oct, 23 Oct, 27 Oct, 31 Oct, 4 Nov, 8 Nov, 14 Nov, 16 Nov
Message in a bottle (Quis-land) 9? 17 Oct, 26 Oct, 4 Nov, (5 Nov?), (7 Nov?), 13 Nov
Message in a bottle (Agar Atoll) 4? 11 Oct, 27 Oct, 31 Oct, 10 Nov, 11 Nov, 13 Nov

Salix of Prifddinas (Talk) 20:55, October 26, 2016 (UTC)

I'm starting to make better predictions for most dates now. "Monkeys" works with 4 days, and I've managed to make accurate predictions off that is we assume the 12 October date was actually spied on 11 October isntead. Christmas Island works as 3 if we ignore 12 and 16 October for the time being. Springbreak still has me stumped for the time being, but I think it might have some odd math on it; something like Spawn on N day, where N=N+1, and if N>5 N==1. If that's correct I'd assume Springbreak to pop up on 5 Nov, 6 Nov, 8 Nov, 11 Nov, 15 Nov, 20 Nov, 21 Nov, 23 Nov, 26 Nov, 30 Nov. Something to keep our eyes out for, but it's probably not likely (only way I can make a 19 day cycle work(4+5+1+2+3+4)) — Heaven Sent (talk) 02:08, November 4, 2016 (UTC)

Of the 4 Nov bottles in the cycles table, I've been unable to find The Hamlet or Quis-Land. I'd question the accuracy of those two. I have found the remaining 4 Nov bottles though. Cuzicouldyay (talk) 10:05, November 4, 2016 (UTC)

I took two of my clan members to find them myself today, so I will profess to its accuracy. Maybe check your bank for "Message in a bottle" or "Treasure map" items, in case you've picked one of them up and forgotten about it. If still you're unable to find them, dates might vary for different players (think Underground Pass puzzles) which could explain some of the seemingly erroneous data I've been unable to account for. — Heaven Sent (talk) 10:15, November 4, 2016 (UTC)
I want to remind you all that once you find a bottle, it will be visible for you always unless you have it or the treasure map banked. Salix of Prifddinas (Talk) 10:53, November 4, 2016 (UTC)
Also could not find The Hamlet (or Agar Atoll) on Nov 4--already had Quis-land and Cannonball. Did find Monkeys (last, so it wasn't that I had something in my bank). Gohn Jalt (talk) 20:42, November 4, 2016 (UTC)

As a follow-up, I can say that I have no Message in a bottle or Treasure map items in my bank. But! I just found the Quis-land bottle (5 Nov). So there's some data for you. No luck on The Hamlet today. 11:06, November 5, 2016 (UTC)

- Found Hamlet and Springbreak Island Today - 8th nov

Couldn't find The Hamlet on the 4th of Nov (per my other comment) but I did find it on the 8th of Nov. Still no Agar Atoll or Springbreak. Gohn Jalt (talk) 10:23, November 8, 2016 (UTC)

Found Quis-land & Eisetes Cretor on 9th November- Ermanzer0 (talk) 14:33, November 9, 2016 (UTC)

Also found Eisetes Cretor on the 9th of November Gohn Jalt (talk) 21:11, November 9, 2016 (UTC)

Found Cannonball Run on the 10th of November --Uncommonsensical (talk) 00:21, November 10, 2016 (UTC)

Found Agar Atoll on the 10th of November --Fateslyph (talk) 01:25, November 10, 2016 (UTC)

Found both Agar Atoll and Spring Break Island on the 10th of November -- Gohn Jalt (talk) 20:40, November 10, 2016 (UTC)

I did not find the "Message in a bottle (The Hamlet)" on November 12th. Verhaert3 01:58, November 12, 2016 (UTC)

Found Monkey bottle but not the hamlet bottle on november 12th Critzlock (talk) 05:21, November 12, 2016 (UTC)

did not find the hamlet bottle on 2nd island of the island of turtles 16:55, November 12, 2016 (UTC) (12 nov 16)

Found Quis-Island (Third Island of the Islands that look like Turtles) at reset, 00:01, November 13, 2016

found quis-land and agar atoll bottle. did not find cannonball rum ,eisetes cretor or hamlet bott.e today :( 13th November Critzlock (talk) 01:49, November 13, 2016 (UTC)

Only add dates you found the bottle to the table please. Rather odd that Hamlet didn't appear on 12 November. :S Salix of Prifddinas (Talk) 16:16, November 13, 2016 (UTC)

Sorry @salix, just wanted to make sure that hamlet oddity is noticed :P Also for my daily check,did not find Eisetes Cretor, Hamlet or Cannonball Rum bottles today Critzlock (talk) 03:06, November 14, 2016 (UTC)

No problem, but that's what the messages below the table are for :P. Salix of Prifddinas (Talk) 08:59, November 14, 2016 (UTC)

I found Hamlet and Agar atoll in the last hour. I could not find Quis-land. Is it possible some of the bottles are on a set cycle, but that cycle is shifted for different players? Law rune Samberen Nature rune 05:47, November 14, 2016 (UTC)

Also found Monkey and Eisetes scrolls. That messes the 7 day cycle for Eisetes. Did not find Christmas, Springbreak, or Cannonball. Law rune Samberen Nature rune 06:05, November 14, 2016 (UTC)
Just wanna confirm, you know that once you find the bottle, that the bottle will be visible for you always unless you have it banked/in your inventory, right? Salix of Prifddinas (Talk) 08:59, November 14, 2016 (UTC)
In that case ignore my Eisetes one and maybe the agar atoll. That makes this whole thing a bigger pain. I removed them both seeing as I cant confirm agar. :) Law rune Samberen Nature rune 09:22, November 14, 2016 (UTC)

The Hamlet bottle is driving me up a wall, it's been the only one I've needed for about a week now. And I've been looking for it daily. Fairly certain it doesn't have a universally-shared spawn date. Unless it's even weirder and has multiple locations or something, but you'd think it'd have been spotted elsewhere by now. Ehh, ignore that bit, I'm tired. Cuzicouldyay (talk) 09:13, November 14, 2016 (UTC)

found Hamlet bottle on 2nd turtle island around today (11/14) at 10:50am (eastern) BUT when i told my friends about 2 hrs later, it wasn't there for them.  —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Vichellee (talk) on 14 November 2016 at 18:42.

10:50am eastern converts to 15:50 Game Time (or 3:50pm if you must) so that and 2 hours later (17:50) would still be the same day Game Time wise. So I'd like to reiterate the warning I added above the table: Once you find the bottle, that bottle will be visible for you always unless you have it banked/in your inventory! So my question, did you find it already and destroyed the bottle? Because based on the other data on this talk page, that bottle shouldn't have appeared today, it should've appeared 2 days ago and will appear again in 2 days (if the 4 day cycle is correct). However there have been reports of it not appearing 2 days ago, perhaps it's bugged? Salix of Prifddinas (Talk) 23:08, November 14, 2016 (UTC)
The Hamlet bottle I can for sure say I found on the 14th. I hadn't been to the second turtle island until 5:30 Nov 14 and it was present. I bring it up again, is it possible some are different per player? Law rune Samberen Nature rune 03:17, November 15, 2016 (UTC)
Nope, as one of the devs said before: "The only obstacle is time." Are you sure that you didn't find it before and destroyed it? Because this kinda ruins the 4 day cycle theory I had for this bottle, however it could be a 2 day cycle perhaps. Salix of Prifddinas (Talk) 08:38, November 15, 2016 (UTC)
Like I said, the first time I was on the second Turtle island was 14 Nov, I had to energize the tortle portal for the first time. If I picked it up before then, I don't know how I did. Law rune Samberen Nature rune 09:11, November 15, 2016 (UTC)
Then it's probably a 2 day cycle, thanks. Salix of Prifddinas (Talk) 09:22, November 15, 2016 (UTC)
Mod Rowley confirmed on Twitter that bottles appear on the same day for everyone: "The 24-hr period of time in which they can be discovered is the same for everyone, yes. based on UTC/game time." Salix of Prifddinas (Talk) 09:48, November 15, 2016 (UTC)

Checked for Hamlet and Cannonball Run today, the only bottles I was still missing, and neither were present. --Jagex named me Able Tis (talk) 00:08, November 15, 2016 (UTC)

Both of them should appear again on 16 November. So after the next daily reset. Salix of Prifddinas (Talk) 00:24, November 15, 2016 (UTC)
I know. Just providing another data point. --Jagex named me Able Tis (talk) 01:37, November 15, 2016 (UTC)
Sorry, thank you! =D Salix of Prifddinas (Talk) 01:49, November 15, 2016 (UTC)

Found the Springbreak Island bottle on Waiko today (Nov. 15).--Fletching-icon Vegetothe1sttalk Nature rune 06:42, November 15, 2016 (UTC)

finished off my castaways today. Found Hamlet, Cannonball Rum and Eisetes Cretor. Ty all EDIT: a friend of mine found all bottles today except agar atoll and quisland. What a day to be alive ;)Critzlock (talk) 00:21, November 16, 2016 (UTC)

After doing some digging of previous dates I feel I know the cycles of the 5 newest arc bottles, it accurately matches the history of reports up till todays reset. From the looks of it I believe that these are the next spawn dates and time intervals:

  • Cannonballs 16th of Nov ----(6 day time interval)
  • Oakheart 16th of Nov ----(7 day time interval)
  • Harley 16th of Nov----- (8 day time interval)
  • Squick 22th of Nov-----(9 day time interval)
  • Salmon Ella 20th of Nov --- (10 day time interval)
  • Cannonballs was reported 11-10, 17-10, 29-10 and 10-11. That would make Cannonballs a 6 day time interval
  • Oakheart was reported Wed 12-10, Wed 19-10, Wed 26-10 -> 7 day interval
  • Harley was reported Sat 15-10, Sun 23-10, mon 31-10 -> 8 day interval
  • Squick was reported Sun 16-10, Wed 26-10 and Fri 4-11 -> 9 day interval
  • Salmon Ella was reported Fri 21-10, Mon 31-11 and Thu 10-11 -> Seems like a 10 day interval.

Interesting enough these intervals are in the exact same order of the castaways in the Arc Journal.

In addition to the above, Swabbie Steve and Manti Claws also popped up today.  —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) on 03:06, November 16, 2016 (UTC).

I would agree with the above cycle, except the I 100% found agar atoll for the first time on the 13th. Other than that it seems to make quite some sense. Critzlock (talk) 03:40, November 16, 2016 (UTC)
I apologize, I forgot to add the date to the reports above. Swabbie Steve and Manti Claws also popped up today the 16th of November, right after reset (including re-logging after reset).
Critzlock, please don't take this as criticism, it's not intended that way. Is it possible that you accidentally clicked this bottle 2 days earlier and still had it in your inventory or accidentally destroyed it? Agar Atoll is the bottle on Goshima, the island with the miniquest where you have to pick up random things from the floor that don't have a red dot on the minimap. Were you by any chance doing this miniquest last week Thursday & is it possible that you picked up the bottle amongst the other things?  —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) on 14:03, November 16, 2016 (UTC).

Cycles confirmed by Mod Orion![]

Mod Orion just confirmed on Twitter that Samora kiba's theory of each bottle appearing in the order they're listed in the journal is correct, e.g. 1st bottle appears every day, 2nd every 2 days, 3rd every 3 days, etc. Salix of Prifddinas (Talk) 19:55, November 16, 2016 (UTC)

Thank you everyone![]

Thank you to all contributors, we finally know the cycles now! =D Salix of Prifddinas (Talk) 23:14, November 16, 2016 (UTC)


I have indefinitely semi-protected this article to prevent edits like this, this, this, and this. --Iiii I I I 23:46, January 14, 2017 (UTC)

Yeah... After that last 'correction' I felt the urge to completely protect this article. Thank you for protecting it, I7. :) Salix of Prifddinas (Talk) 11:13, January 16, 2017 (UTC)


This message in a bottle was last visible 5 days ago on 19 January. It will be visible again in 3 days on 27 January. (wrong?)

Yeah, it's currently visible. Bronzedagger (talk) 09:46, January 24, 2017 (UTC)

I'll repeat myself again, "once you found the bottle, they will be visible forever unless you have the bottle or treasure map in your inventory or bank". The article is displaying the correct dates, just read the whole thing and especially the warning I just told you. :P Salix of Prifddinas (Talk) 10:11, January 24, 2017 (UTC)
But I hadn't found the bottle, this was my first time. Bronzedagger (talk) 10:20, January 24, 2017 (UTC)
Also Ella: "This message in a bottle was last visible 5 days ago on 19 January. It will be visible again in 5 days on 29 January. (wrong?)", is also currently visible. It's not marked off in my book. Bronzedagger (talk) 10:20, January 24, 2017 (UTC)
Okay, let's correct myself and add the part that you didn't read: the bottles will also appear forever (unless owned already as described above) if you walk past the location while they're active. And yes the days are accurate... Salix of Prifddinas (Talk) 10:47, January 24, 2017 (UTC)
Triggering the "always show" option of the bottle is not the same as being marked off in the book :( That would've stopped some confusion. Salix of Prifddinas (Talk) 10:49, January 24, 2017 (UTC)
Ah, that could be it. Thanks. Bronzedagger (talk) 10:51, January 24, 2017 (UTC)
All the things I mentioned here are mentioned at the top of the article, just saying :P Salix of Prifddinas (Talk) 10:53, January 24, 2017 (UTC)
You are right, I didn't actually read the article, just looked at the list of castaways. Bronzedagger (talk) 11:02, January 24, 2017 (UTC)