RuneScape Wiki
This talk page is for discussing the Chaos gauntlets page.


How much is the increase? Rich Farmbrough, 18:26 25 April 2007 (GMT).

What do you mean by that? Do you mean...
1.) how much to enchant from either Goldsmith gauntlets or Cooking gauntlets to Chaos gauntlets?
It costs 25k, go to the relevant brother to get the gauntlets enchanted.
2.) how does the gauntlets help?
It raises the max hit of all bolts spells by 3. XDRAGONAITE +Saradomin's Book of Wisdom 14:06, 14 March 2008 (UTC)

Crumble undead[]

Does it increase the hit of that too? Butterman62 (talk) Ice Barrage 13:42, 14 March 2008 (UTC)

NO . XDRAGONAITE +Saradomin's Book of Wisdom 14:06, 14 March 2008 (UTC)Leon Art 13:34, March 14, 2011 (UTC)

Damage Increase[]

I have changed "..increase the damage done by all bolts spells by 3" to "...increase the maximum damage by done by bolts spells by 3". The former wording makes it sound like you will always hit 3 higher than what you would normally hit for that cast. In other words, if you would hit a 1 without the gauntlets, you would hit a 4 with them. However, I have found this not to be the case, as I have hit many 0's, 1's, and 2's while using them. However, if anyone feels it is worth mentioning, these gauntlets do increase the average damage of a successful hit by 1.5. This is because average damage of a successful hit is half of the maximum damage, and if you increase maximum damage by 3, average damage is increased by 1.5 (3 divided by 2). ChivalryAquilae 15:03, 14 March 2008 (UTC)

No requirements?[]

Wouldn't it be better to say that you need a magic level of around 57 to complete the quest needed to wear these gloves? I just think that it might help.

Arsenal 7149 10:19, 8 February 2009 (UTC)

new update[]

with the recent update(+10% damage to several staves), does it stack up with the +3 from these gauntlets? if so would it be max hit 16 or 17 with fire bolt? 16:08, September 2, 2009 (UTC)

kk tested myself: I hit a 16 with fire bolt, screenie can be provided if needed but i don't think it is78.20.153.111 16:34, September 2, 2009 (UTC)


Not sure if it worked but I added the location of the Jolly Inn so people wont have to go to another web page to find its location. Also edited the structure of the second and third paragraph, keeping obtaining the gloves in one paragraph and its stats in another Chizzzy 07:04, December 3, 2010 (UTC)

what is better exp?[]

the exp you'd get from casting crumble the undead, or the exp you'd get from casting fire bolt with these gloves on?Leon Art 13:37, March 14, 2011 (UTC)


It sure appears to me that the guantlets still give a bonus to bolt spells. It appears to be a "hidden" boost. Hits seem to be consistently higher when wearing these in game. Pernix cowl detail MAGE-KIL-R Zaros symbol 03:34, September 9, 2013 (UTC)

Could you say more about this?? Does it make them on a par with blasts or is it different? . . . Yours, This user admires the Void Knights. Who aim to maintain Gielinor's Equilibrium. Enquidou Talk This user likes to do Quests and genuinely loves the story line; lore is his love! . . 11:05, September 10, 2013 (UTC)
The hits don't seem to be consistently as high as blast spells. I've been planning to pinpoint an amount of increase, (which most likely a percentage) but haven't done this yet. I'll do more research when I can. It is clear to me however, that the statement on the article that says they don't increase the hits anymore, is inaccurate. Pernix cowl detail MAGE-KIL-R Zaros symbol 04:40, September 12, 2013 (UTC)
Thanks, and good luck testing ;-P . . . Yours, This user admires the Void Knights. Who aim to maintain Gielinor's Equilibrium. Enquidou Talk This user likes to do Quests and genuinely loves the story line; lore is his love! . . 21:14, September 13, 2013 (UTC)
I finally got around to doing a comprehensive test of this. Wielding a grifolic wand, I cast fire bolt approx. 500 times without any armour and then an additional 500 times wearing only chaos gauntlets. I did not use momentum or any abilities. I did not notice any discernible difference in damage. It appears that they no longer give a boost to damage as I originally stated. I am removing the disputed template that I placed on the article.
Pernix cowl detail MAGE-KIL-R Zaros symbol 04:28, December 11, 2013 (UTC)
Tysvvm! That was my hunch for a loooong ass time. Jagex should really fix this :( It's too bad that they let these things of content die. Slayer helm as a similar problem, right? Ty again ;) . . . Yours, This user admires the Void Knights. Who aim to maintain Gielinor's Equilibrium. Enquidou Talk This user likes to do Quests and genuinely loves the story line; lore is his love! . . 20:40, December 12, 2013 (UTC)

Chaos runes[]

Doesn't is have a chance to reduce the chaos runes used in a spell?  —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) on 04:57, September 27, 2013.

No. IP83.101.44.209 (talk) 05:40, September 27, 2013 (UTC)

okay does slayer helmet imbued stack with chaos gauntlets

can you test that and if so how much damage do you make?Metal nation (talk) 13:30, September 2, 2015 (UTC)