How much exp do you get? User:Tyilo/Signature 13:10, May 17, 2011 (UTC)
can we get a sound-effect for when the nymph appears?
Found a double nymph![]
Double Nymph, glitch or no?[]
I found a double nymph while mining around 5:20 PM 5/11/2013
Username: A Gentle Man
Here's a link to the picture (Photobucket) 00:31, May 12, 2013 (UTC)
EDIT: Did not get a screenshot of both nymphs, i only got the text box messages.
i think the her only appearing withinminutes hours and days is alittle random since i have gotten 3 peices so far in 2 hours 05:23, June 15, 2013 (UTC)noob0nator