RuneScape Wiki
This talk page is for discussing the Mist rune page.

What is this about?[]

I hid this text because I couldn't find any sense in it, can somebody please explain?
The Mist Rune is perhaps the most reliable type of rune for using a combination attack due to the spell cost for attack requiring an equal amount of runes for each use of water spells. Thanks-- BURNTICEJ 19:58, October 4, 2009 (UTC)

Mist Staff[]

I removed the information about the Mist Staff, seeing as it doesn't exist and never will exist. -- 17:23, February 6, 2010 (UTC)

Why is it skyrocketing?[]

What's causing this to skyrocket? The only major use is Vis Wax right? Look at Mud Runes. Those are stackable herblore ingredients but still only less than 700 GP? These runes are almost 1k! Puretppc (talk) 22:55, October 5, 2014 (UTC)

I think it might have to do for its popularity in combat since the high level mage equipment. Otherwise, I believe it will share the same price range as the other combination runes involving water. Since the water alter is within 40s of a bank (shattered Worlds lobby), people will start to use this altar as a money making guide. see Crafting_mud_runes