RuneScape Wiki
RuneScape Wiki
This talk page is for discussing the Nothing page.


why is this considered a stubb? i seems that everything is on there. i'd say we remove the label Firemaking cape (t) rida81 Quest point cape 15:11, September 29, 2009 (UTC)

Removed. If I shouldn't have removed it, just revert it. Justbornlegendary 22:11, August 8, 2010 (UTC)


greetings i am DemonWars, creater of RuneScape Demonwars.

this would clearly not interest you, for this is a RS wiki site.

BUT: there is a fun fact about the "nothing" glitch.

the "nothing" glich is actualy not a glitch its a object (ID 13141) its designed for a player to walk on and remove any object glitches (or holes in the floor)

and its also used to hide objects that are already in the map.

as you know the rooms are filled with the invissible furnatures.

and the "nothing" object hides those when a new object (like staircase) is added.

hope this clears it up.

GReetZ DemonWars.

"Nothing is something"

Mind = Blown