elder logs: 100%
magic logs : 95%
dragon hides (any) : 85% - 90 %
User:Heavyoak/Signature 15:34, January 25, 2016 (UTC)
Gold ore: 78% junk, 1 material. Simple parts are 100% of non-junk (no other kind of part is produced). That's 22 simple parts per 100 gold ore.
Gold bars: 56% junk, 2 materials, and Simple parts are 75% of non-junk. That's 66 simple parts per 100 gold bars.
Combined, it is practical to go to Living Rock caverns for simple parts, there ppl are dropping lots of gold.
Iliasme (talk) 07:18, February 25, 2016 (UTC)
if you can find any for cheap, flatpacks are a great source of simple parts, for example i got 100 mahogany cape racks (2 materials each) for 1gp each. Droomph (talk) 22:15, March 6, 2016 (UTC)