RuneScape Wiki
This talk page is for discussing the The Pit page.

Recycling new things?[]

Dominion tower

This might be the Dominion Tower.

I noticed the chains in this picture of what's believed to be the dominion tower look very similar to the picture of what is believed to be the pits. I'm fairly certain it's just recycling, but maybe this picture is the entrance to the pit? Xhanort7 17:38, October 7, 2011 (UTC)

Nevermind. I'm almost 100% certain it's just recycling. The chains are different colors too. Xhanort7 17:41, October 7, 2011 (UTC)


I play in fixed screen mode. When I got this game there wasn't time to move out of the way of the rocks. Not sure if that is how it is supposed to work - i.e. luck - or you are supposed to see and dodge the rocks. Perhaps someone in full screen mode can say if you can see the rocks and dodge.

--Uffa 64 19:48, October 12, 2011 (UTC)

The falling of rocks appears to be random and not based on your position. I just completed this by not moving at all the last ~10 seconds as the rocks weren't falling anywhere near me.

Dirnaith (talk) 17:39, August 6, 2012 (UTC)


Hey i got 5220 exp (before gambling) for doing high-low there at level 94

Reward Data[]

Ok lets set up a table for submitting experience data, since we don't yet know the details and people are adding it to the page despite it being seemingly variable. Note that this should be experience before gambling. --Henneyj 01:15, October 14, 2011 (UTC)

Given that we now know that experience is only based on success, course and game, with data loosly confirming this, users can just add their data to the article (although no harm in adding it here if you wish) --Henneyj 12:33, October 25, 2011 (UTC)
Level Agility course Pit event Successful? Experience Time taken
61 Wilderness Put the Thing in the Other Thing! Yes 4732
62 Wilderness Crate Expectations! Yes 5332
63 Wilderness Karaoke! Yes 6095
78 Ape Atoll Crate Expectations! No 845
78 Ape Atoll Karaoke! No 966
78 Ape Atoll Put the Thing in the Other Thing! No 749
81 Wilderness Put the Thing in the Other Thing! No 1574
93 Put the Thing in the Other Thing! Yes 4082 26 secs
94 High-Low There! Yes 5220
70 The Floor is Lava! Yes 2900
70 Ape Atoll Put the Thing in the Other thing! Yes 2996
83 Adv. Gnome Crate Expectations! No 1015
85 Adv. barb. Put the Thing in the Other thing! No 1020
88 Adv. Gnome The Floor is Lava! Yes 2900
97 Adv. Barb Punch the Hungry Sheeps! Yes 3700 22 seconds
78 Ape Atoll The Floor is Lava! No 604
78 Ape Atoll Put the Thing in the Other thing! No 749 (rounded) [out of time]
91 Adv. Gnome Crate Expectations! Yes 4060
71 Ape Atoll Karaoke! No 966
71 Ape Atoll High-Low There! No 1087
88 Adv. Gnome High-Low There! No 1305
88 Adv. Gnome Punch the Hungry Sheeps! Yes 3190
71 Ape Atoll Crate Expectations! Yes 3383
91 Adv. Gnome Put the Thing in the Other thing! No 888
87 Adv. Gnome High-Low There! No 1305 [out of time]
79 Ape Atoll High-Low There! No 1087 failed on 1st number
79 Ape Atoll Karaoke! Yes 3866
79 Ape Atoll Punch the Hungry Sheeps! No 664
55 Wilderness Crate Expectations! Yes 3555 in the 2nd crate opened
77 Ape Atoll Crate Expectations! No 845 [out of time]
93 Adv. Barbarian Put the Thing in the Other thing! No 1020 30 seconds
57 Wilderness Punch the Hungry Sheeps! No 698
78 Ape Atoll High-Low There! No 1087
87 Adv. Gnome Karaoke! Yes 4640
68 Ape Atoll The Floor is Lava! No 604
69 Ape Atoll Karaoke! Yes 3866
69 Ape Atoll Crate Expectations! No 845 rounded
99 Dorgesh-Kaan High-Low There! No 1242 Failed on last guess.
93 Adv. Barbarian Punch the Hungry Sheeps! Yes 3621

Unknown (5th sheep)

68 Wilderness The Floor is Lava! No 1269 last row

the not succesful karaoke at ape atoll is the same xp reward, but the level is different.

the succesfull floor is lava gives the same xp, too bad we dont know what course the first one was on.

two of the non succesfull "put the thing in the other thing"are the same reward xp, the third, which has been done on an other course, isnt the same.

Gambling: "each has an equal chance of occurring"[]

As for the source of this, I believe one of the characters said this when they were first introducing the gambling option.

- Yup, werewolf dude says this exactly. AceMcDonut 13:08, October 16, 2011 (UTC)

Talent Scout[]

Is it just me, or does the Talent Scout look like Mel Gibson? Adam SavageTalk 14:21, October 14, 2011 (UTC)

Floor is Lava[]

The first crate I jumped on buckled out so we can assume that the third assumption is invalid. Anyone want to double check this?

Blue h'ween mask
 ♥ Beatter ♠ 
Defence cape (t)

10:23, October 16, 2011 (UTC)

Explanation of First Draft of The Pit's Success Odds[]

Just wanted to record some of the reasoning behind the percentages I've logged in the article - particularly because I had some questions about my own numbers, so any extra input would be fantastic:

Crate Expectations: 31.25% odds of success - simple as 5/16, or else accumulating the odds of each individual crate (15/16 * 14/15 * 13/14 * 12/13 * 11/12).

The Floor is Lava: This could do with a lot of thought and work, as it gets particularly complicated depending on how it actually works.

  • The lowest odds (3.13%) were calculated on the crass assumption that each of the crates in the sets of two has a 50% chance of success, and the crates in sets of three have a 33.33% chance of success - so (0.5^3 * (1/3)^2).
  • The medium odds (5.56%) were calculated on a similar assumption, where the sets of two have 50% success chance, and the sets of three have a 66.67% chance of success - so (0.5^3 * (2/3)^2).
  • The best odds (11.1%) were calculated identically but with one less step assuming the first crate was always safe - so (0.5^2 * (2/3)^2). This was mainly because I struggled to imagine an event that only had a 5.56% chance of success!

However, given Beatter's experience of failing on the first box, perhaps it really is a matter of a 5%'ish success ratio - after all, if half of all attempts fail on the first crate, we can't go expecting anything that great. More input and experiences here would be extremely valuable - on my only attempt I made my first three jumps successfully.

High-Low There: This was a bit of a nightmare to think about because of all the potential combinations. In the end I realised that regardless of your number, if you made the sensible guess (Higher for <6, Lower for >5) then your chances would always be somewhere between 56% and 100%. Thus I averaged the favourable options (100%, 89%, 78%, 67%, 56%) to become 77.78%, and raised it to the power of six for your six guesses. 0.7778^6 = 22.13%, which was my suggested minimum likely success ratio.

this is not correct you can't multiply the chance of ea turn, each turn is dependent of the previous turn. 21:39, October 11, 2013 (UTC)by Angel g0d 

I computed the actual odds for high-low, it turns out they are slightly more than 18%. Here is the program used to do the calculation: Proselyte Ko (talk) 14:37, March 12, 2014 (UTC)

Karaoke: I couldn't give any statistics for this - in one sense it's very much a game of chance, though it's actually pretty easy compared to many of the others in my opinion.

Punch the Hungry Sheeps: Similar to Crate Expectations, except with a 5 in 14 chance. 5/14 = 35.71%. I'm starting to wonder if Jagex haven't done something different here though, as the only three recorded attempts at this minigame so far have been successful... what are your experiences?

Put the Thing in the Other Thing: Again, no statistics here - if you know what you're doing it should be completable 100% of the time.

All input, corrections and feedback encouraged. AceMcDonut 13:02, October 16, 2011 (UTC)

As for punching the sheep, I had this event today and failed.
Blue h'ween mask
 ♥ Beatter ♠ 
Defence cape (t)
22:11, October 16, 2011 (UTC)
Yep I also had to punch the sheep and failed. Leave me a message :) Annarelda Hiscores 13:57, October 19, 2011 (UTC)
I fixed the Hi-Low there with a macro I made, seeing as that 22% puzzled me when I first read it because it statistically didn't make sense as a minimum success rate, although it turns out it wasn't a bad guess for an average attempt rate.
2/3 of my lava attempts have been successful, so I think there is more to that minigame then what meets the eye, however I don't have 99 agility, so it would be very hard for me to figure out the patterns.
The sheep and crates are just simple probability, and of course the other ones involve more skill than luck.
 —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) on 14:28, 22 February 2012 (UTC).
No need to run a macro 20 million times. There are only 10 million combinations, so if you're going to run something millions of times, just count them all. However, the above calculation is correct. The chance of success for 1 guess is
Succeeding 6 times in a row has the probability
--User:Saftzie/Signature 09:46, February 28, 2012 (UTC)
Silly me. There are 5,314,410 combinations, not 10 million, but the rest is all good. --User:Saftzie/Signature 09:59, February 28, 2012 (UTC)

Getting Noticed at Dorgesh-Kaan Course[]

Has anyone actually managed to attract the talent scout's attention at Dorgesh-Kaan? I did it at every other course and it took from about 30 seconds to 1 hour to get it. At Dorgesh-Kaan I've been trying for a good 10+ hours already. I wonder if it is a glitch. I have tried doing different combinations with grapple route etc. Thingummywut 16:47, October 20, 2011 (UTC)

Hmm well for starters I don't think anyone uses the Dorgesh-Khan course anymore, because of the Ape Atoll course (imo it needs an upgrade). So I'm guessing the only people who will be running this course to get hauled off to the pit are the ones who want to provide info for the wiki... which is probably just you at the moment! :P Leave me a message :) Annarelda Hiscores 12:28, October 21, 2011 (UTC)
I actually finally got it. Took surprisingly long. Failed the last guess at High-Low game (had to guess from 5) :( Thingummywut 12:22, October 25, 2011 (UTC)

Fail if logout[]


Well, the first time I got to The Pit, it gave me Crate Expectations. I ran out of time due to lag (my router and computer act like water and oil at times) and opened 2 out of 5 crates. I got the xp, all was good, no worries.

However, I wanted to try again. So I did lots of laps around the course and then was called to dinner. I told my clan mates "i gtg, dinner time"... and guess what?! The scout called me over... So, I talk to him, get taken to The Pit and logout thinking "Runescape's the best game out there, u can log out anywhere and come back as if time paused." Yeah, I guess not in this case.

Logging out while in The Pit leaves you back at the Scout without any xp gain or anything.

Thought ya'll might like to add that somewhere in there.


Good i snipr 01:41, November 17, 2011 (UTC)

Ape Atoll greegree?[]

Does anyone know if you can be spotted by the scout when youre holding a greegree? -- 22:50, December 22, 2011 (UTC)

Yeah, I've gotten noticed as a monkey, though you need to take your greegree off in order to go to the pit. CENSORED 03:58, January 11, 2012 (UTC)

Has xp been updated[]

Just wondering if all the xp on the tables have been updated since the increase on the 7/2 and that it's just the blanks that need filling in?  —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk).

No, not all the xp values have been updated. If you get the activity and find that your xp value doesn't match what's on the table, feel free to update it. Small recharge gem AnselaJonla Slayer-icon 11:42, February 19, 2012 (UTC)

1-hour limit gone?[]

After winning in the pit, I got noticed by the scout again after roughly 30 minutes. Curious about the 1-hour limit, i started a timer after the second pit event (which i also won). 31 minutes later i got called by the scout a third time. all this was on the advanced barbarian course, without logging out between events. Perhaps the 1-hour limit has been removed, reduced or is only for if you fail the pit? Taking the liberty of editing the article.  —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk).

Wilderness Agility Arena: High/Low[]

I got noticed at the wilderness agility arena, I did high low. I got through one guess, and made the next guess. Before they told me if I was right or wrong, the talent scout appeared and knocked me out again. Oddly, even though I hadn't finished the minigame, I got 2285xp from it.

Gmeypop (talk) 19:56, August 15, 2013 (UTC)

Punch the Sheep probability[]

Isn't the correct way to calculate the probability of succeeding "punch the sheep" the following formula?

IP83.101.44.209 (talk) 16:23, November 22, 2014 (UTC)

Punch the Hungry Sheeps[]

The correct chance to win Punch the Hungry Sheeps is 5/14

Here are a few proofs:

  1. By far the easiest way is to calculate the chance to loose: P = 13/14 * 12/13 * 11/12 * 10/11 * 9/10 = 9/14 Therefore the chance to win is 1 - 9/14 = 5/14
  2. The chance that the first sheep has the key is 1/14. The chance that the second sheep has the key is also 1/14: P = 13/14 * 1/13 = 1/14 (you failed once and then got the key). Chance for the third sheep: P = 13/14 * 12/13 * 1/12 = 1/14 (you failed twice and then got the key). The chance for sheep four and five is also 1/14. Therefore the chance to win is P = 5 * 1/14 = 5/14.
  3. Imagine you divide the 14 sheep into two groups. There are 5 sheep in group A and 9 sheep in group B. The chance that the key is in Group A is 5/14, the chance that the key is in group B is 9/14. Then punch every sheep in group A. If the key is in group A, you will win. Therefore the chance to win is 5/14.
  4. If you don't want to use your brain, you can use a hypergeometric distribution with N=14;K=1;n=5;k=1. Yak (talk) 01:02, May 28, 2015 (UTC)