Prayer is useful for alot of pures, I don't think the warning should be so deciseive so I changed it a little.
New quest objectives?[]
My little brother was doing the Restless Ghost quest and it told him to search the mining spot on the coast in the swamp instead of the Wizards' Tower. Has the quest been changed in a hidden update? The enemy was also a Level 13 skeleton mage (or something similar) instead of a simple skeleton. Instead of prayer experience, he recieved 5 ancient bones as a reward. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) on 20:06, December 15, 2009 (UTC).
That's new! This quest seems to be changed quite a bit. Inhaps talk 20:09, December 15, 2009 (UTC)
Yup, the "newbie" quests changed. J-mod post:
"The quests ever-so-slightly tweaked today are: Cook's Assistant Ernest the Chicken Restless Ghost Rune Mysteries Sheep Shearer
They've only had minor tweaks, so nobody that has already completed these quests is missing out on any new content. A couple of them do now give a little bit more of a reward, but any who have already completed these quests can talk to the quest giver to receive it too. If you check the quest pages, you'll see if it's worth your time to do so. :)
Demon Slayer and Vampire Slayer have also had some minor graphical changes."
By the way, the bones can be buried for 200 xp each, or so I've heard. --Intercision 20:11, December 15, 2009 (UTC)
its already been posted that the ancient bones given as a reward can't be used with poh altars or with ectofunctus to get more xp than just burying. Does this also mean that the boost from barbarian pyre lighting wont work on these bones?
Each of the four updated quests, (restless ghost cooks assistant sheep shearer and earnest the chicken) can be set as an objective upon starting the quest. this is without having to use the random objective selection menu.
"Pagan mythology"?[]
"pagan mythology" is rather vague, as "pagan" is an umbrella term for a wide range of religions. Could I change the language to reflect whatever particular religion it refers to? 19:32, January 16, 2016 (UTC)