RuneScape Wiki
This talk page is for discussing the TzHaar Fight Pit page.

Still a Stub?[]

I just finished adding some stuffs to the page, is this still a Stub? Kang227 16:55, 9 February 2007 (UTC)

A stub is generally no more than a single paragraph, this article is basically complete. Good work, and dont be afraid to remove the notice youself :) (I've done this one) JalYt-Xil-Vimescarrot 16:56, 9 February 2007 (UTC)

Keeping items?[]

I saw on another guide site that if you die here, you recieve a full stat restore (like dying outside) but also keep all your items. Is this true? Mathwhiz90601 22:29, 8 May 2007 (UTC)

Yes, it's a "safe" minigame. Slayer TIRRIANGANT (TALK) 21:11, 17 December 2007 (UTC)

Players only?[]

There aren't any other monsters in the Fight Pit caves are there? I'm wondering if the only combat done in them are against players only or if there are also monsters that need to be defeated. Slayer TIRRIANGANT (TALK) 21:11, 17 December 2007 (UTC)

If players wait around long enough monsters do start to spawn, they are the same monsters from the fight caves and go up to the level 90s, this at least happened before.

Easy tokkul[]

one possibility is to go to a very unpopulated world and go with only one other person (a friend) and take turns winning for an easy tokkul gain. (similar to team strategy that's mentioned but is faster and easier) Death reap 20:42, 13 January 2009 (UTC)

Waiting game/hiding strategies[]

As far as I can tell, these strategies are the same. Wait in a remote corner for the others to kill eachother off. And to be honest, who's to say that you can't hide with a friend or clan-mate? Wrathanet 22:25, November 29, 2009 (UTC)


I was fighting with a friend. I got poisoned, killed him. When I left, My stats were not restored, and I was poisoned. I died from the poison, but fortunantly respawned in tz'haar. Is this a glitch? Plank Make icon Rhys darby Superglass Make icon 04:50, June 25, 2011 (UTC)

Update Needed[]

With the release of the TzHaar graphics update, this article is now obsolete. We need new pictures!!!

Integral Gaming- Mathias 19:36, February 15, 2012 (UTC)

Shard World No Longer Exists?[]

Every time I go to the Pits, I don't get an option to go to the Shard World (Global). I've not seen any updates saying it got removed. Anyone know what's up with it? -TtO

​I have the same problem. Johnbailey 22:16, June 19, 2012 (UTC)

Karamja Tasks[]

How can i become fight champion if all worlds are empty ? :D

Cmon guys help me out somehow....

I need to finish stupid karamja task  —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) on 8:11, April 30, 2012 (UTC).

Although normally the wiki's policy is to not mention clans, I think I can make an exception in this case since ours seems to be only one of its kind and has been stickied on the forums, and the clan has nothing to gain from being posted here. Me and my clanmates run a friends chat that helps people complete the fight pits and likewise tasks. Feel free to join fpvolunteers and ask for someone to help you with the task. My contributionsTHARKON 19:26, May 3, 2012 (UTC)

Dead Content?[]

Does anyone still play this or is every world actually empty?

N1ghtshade3 (talk) 23:23, November 14, 2012 (UTC)