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For sets of tasks, see Achievements.
Manual achievementdiary
Elite kit

The original design of the Elite Task Kit, as previewed in a Developer Blog

Elite kit concept

The tasks set is speculated to be the name of the complete set of equipment rewarded by completing each set of tasks. According to Mod Mark, "The plan with Achievement Diaries is to eventually release a full set of equipment, making up the 'Achievement Diary set'. Similar to the Barrows gear, the full set will give you access to some special abilities."[source needed] It is not currently known how many more area task sets will be created, due to there only being two more possible additions to the equippable armour space (pocket slot and sigil slot), but Jagex have stated they may double up some slots.

The current components of the current Task set are listed below.

Current components and their abilities[]

Ardougne cloak[]

Ardougne cloak benefits
Reward When worn When operated At all times
Ardougne cloak 1 Ardougne cloak 1
  • Prayer points are boosted by 10% upon entry to Castle Wars
  • Trading a cat in West Ardougne gives 200 Death runes (instead of 100)
Ardougne cloak 2 Ardougne cloak 2
  • More drops from Creature Creation are noted
  • Increased chance of success when pickpocketing in Ardougne
  • A chance of additional runes at the Ourania Runecrafting Altar (approximately 15% more; no extra experience is gained)
  • 10 seconds of immunity when teleporting to the Wilderness via the lever in East Ardougne (but not the Edgeville lever to the same location) (bugged and doesn't work)
Ardougne cloak 3 Ardougne cloak 3
  • Increased chance of success when pickpocketing and stealing from chests anywhere in RuneScape
  • Even more of the drops from Creature Creation will be noted (approximately 80%)
  • Stealing from chests in Ardougne Castle or the Chaos Druid Tower will teleport to East Ardougne's north bank (instead of a random location)
  • Wizard Cromperty will give 150 noted pure essence per day
  • Watchtower Teleport can be toggled to go to Yanille instead (speak to any Ardougne task NPC)
Ardougne cloak 4 Ardougne cloak 4
  • Unlimited teleports to Manor Farm
  • Fully restore Summoning points once daily
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Varrock armour[]

Varrock armour benefits
Reward When worn Operate At all times
Varrock armour 1 Varrock armour 1
  • Chance of smelting two bars at once in Edgeville furnace, up to and including steel (level 30) (does not give extra bars; rings of forging uses 1 charge when it activates)
  • Chance of mining two ores at once, up to and including coal (level 30)
  • The drop chance of skull sceptre parts is greatly increased
  • Grants 1% bonus Mining experience; does not contribute to the golden mining suit's set bonus
Varrock armour 2 Varrock armour 2
  • Double smelting chance now applies to bars up to and including mithril (level 55)
  • Double mining chance now applies to ore up to and including mithril (level 55)
  • Chance of smithing an item faster, applying to bars up to and including adamant (approximately 10% chance). This effect also works for Artisan's workshop burial armour and track smithing, and saves 1.2 seconds when it happens.
  • The drop chance of skull sceptre parts is further increased
  • Naff sells an additional 16 battlestaves (32 total)
Varrock armour 3 Varrock armour 3
  • Double smelting chance now applies to bars up to and including adamant (level 70)
  • Double mining chance now applies to ore up to and including adamant (level 70)
  • Naff sells an additional 32 battlestaves (64 total)
  • The Cooks' Guild can be entered without a chef's hat or cooking cape
  • The Cook's Guild bank area can now be accessed
  • Bork's charm and gem drops are doubled
  • Bork now gives 3,000 Slayer experience when killed; further increased to 8,000 after The Mighty Fall
Varrock armour 4 Varrock armour 4
  • 5 free bolt enchantments per day, for ruby bolts and below
  • Chance of smithing an item faster, applying to bars up to and including runite (approximately 10% chance). This effect also works for Artisan's workshop burial armour and track smithing.
  • Once per day, teleport to Bork's lair
  • Naff sells an additional 16 battlestaves (80 total)
  • Access to the log storage boxes near the beacons
  • Ability to toggle Varrock Teleport to arrive at the Saradomin altar in north-eastern Varrock by talking to any of the Varrock task NPCs; also affects tablets and Varrock portals
  • The price of moving and redecorating your house is halved
  • Reduced chance of being randomly teleported within the Chaos Tunnels
Zemouregal rejuvenated chathead New Varrock Tasks Easy
  • All levels of Varrock armour have an increased chance to mine double ore
  • All levels of Varrock armour have an increased chance to smelt double ore
  • Varrock armour 3 and 4 have an increased chance to smith faster
  • The smelting benefit of all levels of Varrock armour now works at almost any furnace
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Explorer's ring[]

Explorer's ring benefits
Reward When worn When operated At all times
Explorer's ring 1 Explorer's ring 1
Explorer's ring 2 Explorer's ring 2
Explorer's ring 3 Explorer's ring 3
  • An additional run replenishment charge per day (3 total)
  • Cabbageport - Unlimited teleports to the Falador farm cabbage patch.
Explorer's ring 4 Explorer's ring 4
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Falador shield[]

Falador shield benefits
Reward When worn When operated At all times
Falador shield 1 Falador shield 1
  • Ability to use a new emote by operating the shield when worn
  • Once per day, restore up to 25% prayer points
Falador shield 2 Falador shield 2
  • Increases farming experience from the herb, flower and allotment patches at the Falador farm by 10%
  • Once per day, restore up to 50% prayer points
Falador shield 3 Falador shield 3
  • Once per day, restore up to 100% prayer points
  • Wyson will also give a white lily seed for each mole skin traded in
  • Access to a bank deposit box in the Crafting Guild
  • Ability to trade white lily seeds (up to 50 per day) for 100 Farming experience each
Falador shield 4 Falador shield 4
  • Twice per day, restore up to 100% prayer points
  • When restoring prayer points in Falador Castle, get 20 extra points
  • Ability to convert the Falador Castle altar to a Zarosian altar by using the ancient hymnal on it. The white knights in the room must be lured out or killed before doing this. The altar can be converted back to Saradominist at any time, recovering the hymnal.
  • Always receive a mole nose drop from the giant mole, which can be traded for higher value nests
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Seer's headband[]

Seer's headband benefits
Reward When worn When operated At all times
Seer's headband 1 Seer's headband 1
  • Receive 2 logs instead of 1 when cutting normal trees; grants no extra experience
Seer's headband 2 Seer's headband 2
  • When carried, acts as a medium light source
  • An additional 30 flax per day from Geoffrey (60 total)
  • Coal Trucks will hold an additional 28 coal (280 total)
Seer's headband 3 Seer's headband 3
  • When carried, acts as a bright light source
Seer's headband 4 Seer's headband 4
  • The healing effect of enhanced excalibur has doubled duration (resulting in double the amount healed)
  • Increased chance of +2% that the special effects of enchanted bolts activate
  • An additional 80 flax per day from Geoffrey (200 total)
  • The first 200 coal used on the Coal Trucks each day is automatically sent to the bank
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Fremennik sea boots[]

Fremennik sea boots benefits
Reward When worn When operated At all times
Fremennik sea boots 1 Fremennik sea boots 1
  • Ability to remotely contact the Fossegrimen to recharge the enchanted lyre, receiving one fewer charge than normal
    • Shark (and bass with ring of charos (a)) gives 1 charge, manta rays give 2 charges, and sea turtles give 3 charges
  • Peer the Seer will act as a bank deposit box
  • Recharging the lyre in person gives two additional charges
    • Shark (and bass with ring of charos (a)) gives 4 charge, manta rays give 5 charges, and sea turtles give 6 charges
Fremennik sea boots 2 Fremennik sea boots 2
  • Ability to teleport using the lyre once a day without using a charge
Fremennik sea boots 3 Fremennik sea boots 3
Fremennik sea boots 4 Fremennik sea boots 4
  • Unlimited teleports to the Rellekka marketplace
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  1. ^ Mod Dean. "DKS Questions for Mod Dean." April 23, 2013. RuneScape Forums.

Karamja gloves[]

Karamja gloves benefits
Reward When worn When operated At all times
Karamja gloves 1 Karamja gloves 1
Karamja gloves 2 Karamja gloves 2
Karamja gloves 3 Karamja gloves 3
Karamja gloves 4 Karamja gloves 4
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Morytania legs[]

Morytania legs benefits
Reward When worn When operated At all times
Morytania legs 1 Morytania legs 1
  • Double fungi when casting bloom
  • 50% chance that a ghast will not attack
Morytania legs 2 Morytania legs 2
  • Cannonballs are smithed twice as fast in Port Phasmatys
  • 10% chance of a second blood rune (per essence). Extra experience is granted when triggered - akin to the legs providing another essence.
  • Teleport to the slime pit under the Ectofuntus, 5 times daily
  • Robin will convert up to 13 sets of any bones into corresponding bonemeal and buckets of slime; he does not accept noted bones
  • Razmire offers free planks daily - a choice of 10 teak, 20 oak or 30 planks
  • Pyre log storage chests become available for use in Mort'ton
  • Lyra will protect the Canifis mushroom patch, making it disease-free
  • Haunted tools in the Abandoned Mine are no longer aggressive
  • Olive oil bought from Razmire comes in 4 doses instead of 3.
Morytania legs 3 Morytania legs 3
  • 50% more Prayer experience from cremating shades
  • Increased chance of gaining better shade keys when cremating shades
  • 50% chance that Blood altar teleports don't break on use
Morytania legs 4 Morytania legs 4
  • 50% more Firemaking and Prayer experience from cremating vyre corpses (including with the Sunspear)
  • 10% more Slayer experience in the Slayer Tower while on a task
  • 20% chance of creating a 4-dose prayer renewal instead of 3-dose while mixing them in Morytania
  • Robin will now convert 39 sets of bones
  • Double harvest from Canifis and Isafdar mushroom patches (experience is not doubled)
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Desert amulet[]

Desert amulet benefits
Reward When worn When operated At all times
Desert amulet 1 Desert amulet 1
Desert amulet 2 Desert amulet 2
Desert amulet 3 Desert amulet 3
  • Keris has improved passives against Kalphites and Scabarites
    • Hit chance bonus increased to 25% from 15%
    • Chance of triple damage increased to 5% from 2.5%
  • 100 soda ash can be converted per day
Desert amulet 4 Desert amulet 4
  • 150 soda ash can be converted per day
  • Unlimited teleport to the Ruins of Uzer
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Daemonheim aura[]

Daemonheim aura benefits
Reward When worn When operated At all times
Daemonheim aura 1 Daemonheim aura 1
  • One consequence-free death per day in a dungeon (does not work in hard mode floors)
  • Ability to set a secondary role for the ring of kinship, giving its effect with 25% effectiveness
  • Ability to choose which boss is faced in a dungeon, once per day (must be a boss that can be accessed on that floor)
  • Heim crab cosmetic main- and off-hand melee weapon override
Daemonheim aura 2 Daemonheim aura 2
Daemonheim aura 3 Daemonheim aura 3
  • The Backhand ability unleashes your inner Thok (cosmetic effect that replaces the animation with a headbutt)
Daemonheim aura 4 Daemonheim aura 4
  • Activating the aura causes bones buried in Daemonheim to restore 20 prayer points (40 for dragon/frost dragon bones). Lasts 1 hour, with a 4 hour cooldown.
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Tirannwn quiver[]

Tirannwn quiver benefits
Reward When worn When operated At all times
Tirannwn quiver 1 Tirannwn quiver 1
  • Teleport to locations in the elven lands five times per day: Lletya and Eluned's location (after The Light Within, you will be teleported to Islwyn instead who is at the same location)
Tirannwn quiver 2 Tirannwn quiver 2
Tirannwn quiver 3 Tirannwn quiver 3
Tirannwn quiver 4 Tirannwn quiver 4
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Wilderness sword[]

Wilderness sword benefits
Reward When worn When operated At all times
Wilderness sword 1 Wilderness sword 1
  • Free teleports to the Wilderness herb patch
  • Free teleports to Edgeville
  • Ability to locate the Hellfire bow
  • Ability to locate the WildyWyrm if there is one spawned on the world
Wilderness sword 2 Wilderness sword 2
Wilderness sword 3 Wilderness sword 3
Wilderness sword 4 Wilderness sword 4
  • Searing ashes will always drop noted when wielding or carrying the Wilderness sword
  • One free teleport per day to a Wilderness Warband camp
  • Free teleports to the Wilderness Agility course
  • Wilderness sword teleports work from up to level 30 Wilderness
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Stats and level requirements[]

Total level: 2397
Attack 90 Constitution 90 Mining 90
Strength 90 Agility 90 Smithing 95b
Defence 90 Herblore 94b Fishing 96b
Ranged 90 Thieving 95b Cooking 95b
Prayer 95 Crafting 98b Firemaking 92b
Magic 90 Fletching 93 Woodcutting 90
Runecrafting 91b Slayer 95 Farming 91b
Construction 90 Hunter 90 Summoning 95
Dungeoneering 95 Divination 90 Invention ----
Attack style icon fixed 127* Quest 270* Music icon fixed 500
Task icon fixed All RuneScore -----

A b indicates that a temporary boost may be used to reach that level.

In addition, the player also needs to have completed all quests or be level 99 in at least one skill.
