RuneScape Wiki
Tele-other Camelot
Tele-other Camelot icon
Release date 14 March 2005 (Update)
Members Yes
Level 90
Spellbook Normal
Type Teleport
Experience 100
Runes 2Soul1Law
Click animation for full size

Tele-other Camelot is a spell in the Standard spellbook which requires a magic level of 90 and teleports the target player, who has Accept Aid switched on, to Camelot. It is also very popular when training magic.

In the past, this spell may sometimes be used by players who wish to eliminate competition over monsters or resources. This will not break any rules, but is generally frowned upon and will make the offender very unpopular. Turning Accept Aid "off" (in the Options menu) will prevent against this trick. An update changed it such that a screen will come up saying: "(Username) wants to teleport you to: Camelot." You may then choose whether or not to be teleported.

Remember, you cannot use Ancient Magicks or Lunar spells if you are using regular Magic.


1Law rune2Soul rune3,260
0.9Law rune2Soul runeLaw staff3,203