RuneScape Wiki
Invasion plans
This article is a strategy guide for Temple of Aminishi.
Information on mechanics, setups, and tactics is on this page.

The Temple of Aminishi is a large underground complex that houses Seiryu the Azure Serpent. In order to attempt a raid, the quest Impressing the Locals must be completed.


There are five sections in the temple. In order to progress further into the temple, players must kill the monsters guarding the barriers.

A chest can be found in the second, fourth and final sections of the temple which serve as quick-teleports and collect loot if desired. Disabling the auto-loot feature gives a 20% chance of doubled drops. It is not recommended to pick up the drops due to the large-scale fighting players will encounter and will waste valuable spots for boss fights. Most enemies will drop items, the only exceptions being waterfiends (who just drop water runes) and defence pylons. The only time auto-loot should be disabled is during a boss fight to potentially double drops.

Players can teleport out of the dungeon via conventional teleports, including during boss fights.

During boss fights, a barrier will appear when the fight initiates, preventing access by other members if they are not inside the arena. For this reason, all players should be inside the arena before challenging the boss. Should the boss prevail in defeating the team, players must leave the dungeon completely to reset the boss encounter.

Enemies throughout the dungeon are aggressive upon spotting a player. Groups of enemies may also become aggressive even if one of them spots a player. Groups of enemies patrol the temple, and will chase players throughout the whole chamber, forcing them to be killed or ignored. Some barriers are guarded by enemies, which only dissipate when the enemies guarding them are killed. These barriers are also linked to enemy spawn points, so when they are removed, all enemies "linked" to that barrier will despawn when the team picks up from where they left off.

Enemies which utilise adrenaline are affected by Siphon and Natural Instinct as if it was a player-versus-player situation.

The attempt lasts for an indefinite amount of time, including group attempts if all members stay in the group.

Bosses & Minibosses

There are three bosses and a varying amount of minibosses which can be encountered in the Temple of Aminishi. Minibosses do not have to be killed in order to progress and act much like the common mobs throughout the Temple. They appear randomly throughout the event and it is possible to not have specific minibosses in each attempt.

Both bosses and mini-bosses are denoted on the minimap as (Demon flash mobs map icon).

Killing either boss or mini-boss yields rolls on their drop tables in addition to 5,000 dungeoneering tokens in normal mode, or 500 in story mode. Mini-bosses share the same drops as common mobs while bosses roll on both a boss drop table and common mob table. The spawns of the mini-bosses are set but their appearance is random. Four mini-bosses are always guaranteed in each attempt.

Killing all the main and mini-bosses will reward the player with 35,000 tokens in normal mode, or 3,500 in story mode.




Note: This section assumes the player is attempting the dungeon on Normal Mode; for story mode, reduce all health by 50% and damage taken by roughly 66%.

Section I - Entry

This area contains only Elite Sotapannas and Elite Sakadagamis. The Sotapannas carry a single weapon of the combat triangle, so they may either use Melee, Ranged or Magic. Some Sotapannas are capable of healing their allies for 50% of their maximum health and can be easily indicated with an ornate Seiryu mask. Elite Sakadagamis act much like their standard counterparts outside the island.

There is a chest at the very entrance.

Several kelp and raw great white sharks can be found in the kitchen and dining area.

Section II - The Sanctum

This area contains a single Elite Sotapanna (healer), multiple Elite Sakadagamis, anagamis and arhats. Unlike the Anagamis and Arhats outside the temple, the ones located inside simply use standard magic attacks. It is reecommended to kill the anagami and arhats as they can fly into the fight with the Guardian.

A chest can be found near The Sanctum Guardian.

Fight Overview

The Sanctum Guardian has 450,000 health and uses melee and ranged attacks. Players should start off the kill by standing in the north-east corner. The first player to engage in combat with the Guardian will be focused with located ranged attacks, meaning they can dodge the attacks by moving at least 2 tiles in any direction. Four attacks after this ranged attack, the Guardian will splash a large amount of water and deal heavy melee damage for any player within 4-5 spaces from it.

As the fight progresses, the Guardian will unleash a torrent of water in a counter-clockwise, 360 degree position, dealing up to 7,000 damage if players are hit by it. This attack can be avoided by standing on the north-eastern part of the arena and moving to the north-western part as the water passes through, it can also be safely avoided with Resonance, can be Surged through or players can move from the north-east to the north-west corner. Several attacks after that, the Guardian will target a player; this player should move away from their teammates and into an obsolete area. When the bar empties, purple flames appear in a 5x5 spot and deal rapid, gradually increasing damage. These spots should be avoided at all costs, as while they may start off at 600-700 damage per tick, they quickly cap to 5,500 damage per tick and can easily kill players in seconds. It also summons Crassian reinforcements around every three torrent attacks.

The fishy treat may be used to instantly kill the Guardian in a manner similar to a Deathtouched dart; however, it will reappear should the team die before reaching the next checkpoint.

Section III - Azure Caverns

This area contains sea crocodiles, waterfiends, Death Lotus rogues, eastern mercenaries, Cloaked zealots, Hanto sellswords and Renegade Menaphite soldiers.

The area is fairly straightforward with no bosses. Eastern mercenaries and Renegade Menaphite soldiers are capable of using abilities. Cloaked zealots can summon crassian warriors, who have low health but use powerful melee attacks that can easily stack on players. Death Lotus rogues can perform a rapid-damaging and hitting special ability after yelling You are no more! which can be reduced by using Protect/Deflect Missiles and using Devotion or avoided by running out of the nearby vicinity. The Hanto sellswords are much like the Death Lotus rogues and use a powerful melee attack after yelling Die by the blade!. Both types of attacks can be stopped by stunning them.

The only enemies that continually respawn are the sea crocodiles and waterfiends in the circular room, so players should run past them and kill the Cloaked zealot at the other side.

A few raw great white shark spawns can be found in a storage area occupied by renegade Menaphites.

Section IV - Throne Room

This area contains Death Lotus rouges, Eastern Mercenaries, Cloaked Zealots, Hanto sellswords, Renegade Menaphite Soldiers and Elite Sotapannas (mostly healers).

There is a chest (which serves as a checkpoint) on the left side of the arena just before Masuta.

A 3-dose prayer potion can be found in the training room, along with a 2-dose Super adrenaline potion in the dormitory. An altar can also be found south of the dormitory which can restore prayer points.

Fight Overview

At the end of this chamber lies Masuta the Ascended, who has 550,000 health. He uses all three forms of the combat style and has three phases.

In phase 1, Masuta attacks with melee with the occasional ranged attack. For his first attack, he will up to 2 clones beside him that will hit every player in the arena for melee damage. Players near him will take additional hits since he still attacks players during this animation. A few auto-attacks after this, he will then spin around with his warspear in a manner similar to the brothers in Barrows: Rise of the Six. However, his spin has significantly more reach and will damage any player within 2 squares of him for gradually increasing damage. For this reason, the tank should have a shield and use Devotion, Barricade or Reflect until the attack is over; it lasts roughly 15 seconds. However, as he changes targets frequently, players should be prepared to run; Surge up the staircase, as he can easily push players into a spot where Surge will have little effect. His third attack consists of summoning purple eels that then explode into purple clouds that deal high damage to the players if they stand on them. His final attack is the Pulverise ability, where he yells I will pulverise you! and deal heavy melee damage around the spot his target was on; this can be easily avoided by moving a fair distance away from him. Damage Masuta until he reaches 50% of his health.

In phase 2, Masuta levitates above the ground and gains a massive damage reduction, but stops attacking players. During this time, he continuously summons thrashing waters; each one has 8,000 health, attacks with rapid magic attacks, and has a very long attack range. The waters will appear at any location inside the arena and have a very long attack range, though it is possible to avoid them depending on where they were conjured. When trashing water is destroyed, any player within 3 spaces of it will get a "Calm Waters" buff which will reduce Masuta's magic attack in the next phase. Masuta conjures 14-15 thrashing waters, and when the last one is summoned he will follow up with the phrase These waters will choke you where you stand!

In phase 3, Masuta stops using melee and begins using rapid Ranged attacks. After 5 ranged attacks, he uses a powerful magic attack in the form of a large wave of purple energy that can deal over 8000 damage. The damage of this attack is also based on the player's "Calm Waters" buff, so stacks of 50% and higher can significantly reduce its damage. It is recommended to use Protect/Deflect Magic for this attack, though one can use Resonance to fully heal from this attack. As he does not run in to chase players, players should attack from a distance while using Protect/Deflect Ranged and switch to Protect/Deflect Magic when he uses his magic attack.

Once he is killed, a hidden staircase reveals itself.

Section V - The Azure Prison

This area contains Defence Pylons.

Defence Pylons should not be underestimated; despite their seemingly low combat level, they use extremely fast magic attacks that, despite dealing low damage each hit, add up extremely quickly, especially with multiple pylons attacking at once. To compensate for this, they only have 10,000 health.

A player should run in and tank the pylons with Protect/Deflect Magic. The first section contains 4 pylons, while the second section contains 7. Do not attempt to attack the pylons without Devotion, Reflect or Barricade available, or the pylons will kill players in seconds. Devotion extends itself by 5 every time one of the pylons is killed. Achto armour can be of further use for its resetting ability.

Skip the initial four pylons and run to the second section, as these pylons are not linked to anything and disappear when the cluster of seven up ahead are destroyed.

Once the pylons are destroyed, a final chest can be found as the checkpoint. Seiryu the Azure Serpent lies ahead.

Starting the fight

Players should focus primarily on their ability to survive rather than trying to damage Seiryu quickly, as getting hit by the shadow hands often results in an extremely quick death with very little time to react. Seiryu's standard attacks are not as strong compared to his abilities, and the deep breath attack often heals up most of the damage dealt from his auto-attacks. Note that Resonance does not have enough time to heal from every deep breath attack (apart from Achto armour), but there is enough time to alternate between it and Devotion, Reflect or Debilitate.

Seiryu attacks with magic by aiming a stream of purple fire towards the centre of the arena that splits into more streams that hit all players in the chamber. Occasionally, he may take a deep breath (indicated by a popup message box) before sweeping a massive wave of fire across the entire arena that deals up to 8000 magic damage to each player, which can be healed off with Resonance or blocked with Devotion; this attack can miss. Players can also avoid the attack by running to the sides of his head, but this is not recommended as it leaves them vulnerable to the arrow shadow hand attack which will occur frequently after he uses it the first time in his attack pattern. Vulnerability and Enfeeble will increase the damage taken by the boss and reduce the damage he inflicts by 10% respectively and should be taken to make the fight easier.

Throughout the fight, he also lowers his tail into the shadow, causing up to two shadows to appear under the players, one at a time. Move out of the way, as they will deal up to 2,500 damage per tick. He may also channel his energy into a specific spot, which will cause shadow arms to target players in a line much like Solak's root attacks, so players should move out of the way. The player can also stand on the target preventing his hands from spawning entirely (hands still fly out towards the players not standing in the target area and may hit you while running back to the boss, therefore it is better to decide if everyone is going to the target or not). As the fight continues, he can shoot out "arrows" of shadow hands, so players should watch out for them as getting caught by them will result in a rapid death. Both types of attack are extremely dangerous as the hands can deal up to 4,500 damage per tick with a 3x3 AoE.

Continue damaging Seiryu until he reaches 7,200,000 health, after which he collapses and becomes unattackable. Players must destroy the black crystals on his collar; each one has 250,000 health (200,000 in duo and 150,000 solo). Jump onto his collar and attack the crystals; for groups, one/two players should jump on each side while the other stays behind. A portal will appear, soon followed by a black arm which slithers back down and begins to summon several shadow enigmas. These enigmas must be destroyed, as they will heal the crystals for 32,768 health each should they reach Seiryu, regardless if they have been attacked or not.

The players on the crystals can attack individually or together; it should not matter if both players have an equal amount of damage. Use Vulnerability and plant dominion mines to significantly speed up the destruction of the crystals.

Players have roughly a minute before Seiryu tosses the players back onto the platform; this is roughly a few seconds after the final two enigmas appear from the portal. This will stun players and a large burst of energy will appear, but it does not deal any damage, rather obscuring the screen. Finish off any remaining shadow enigmas before focusing on Seiryu. In a group of 3, the crystals should be destroyed in 2-3 rotations, while smaller sizes should expect 3 or 4 at most.

Once all three crystals are destroyed, Seiryu is freed and the fight ends.
