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For other uses, see Booster.

A temporary skill boost is anything caused by an item, Summoning familiar, or action that temporarily raises a player's level in one or more skills. It allows the player to do things above their current level. For example, a Crafting potion, which boosts a player's Crafting level by 3, lets the player craft potion flasks with a Crafting level of 86. The skill boost rounds down, for example when stranger plant boosts you from 90 farming by 4.6 levels, it appears as 94 farming.

Temporary boosts do not stack - for example, a dwarven stout provides +1 level boost to Mining and Smithing, and a mature dwarven stout provides +2 to the same skills; using them together does not produce +3, but +2, as only the higher boost counts.

Gaining a level while a temporary boost is active also increases the boosted level by 1.


Boosts decay back to the player's base level at a rate of 1 level per minute. Unlike most other effects, skill changes do decay while banking. The second where the boost decays is based upon the time at which the player logged in.[source needed] The Berserker curse extends this time by 15% (9 seconds).

Overloads and overload variants, and other effects which provide a 'constant' boost, resist decay by periodically re-applying their effect.

Levels which are drained are also restored at 1 level per minute. The Rapid Restore prayer doubles this rate of restoration; restore potions can restore the levels of all combat skills (except Summoning), and a super restore restores the levels of all skills, including Prayer points.

Invisible boosts[]

These boosts are not visible on the player's statistics screen, and most of them cannot allow a player to perform activities above their base level (an exception is the Crystal saw). Most invisible boosts are provided by Summoning familiars. For example, a granite lobster provides an invisible Fishing boost of four levels, but does not allow a player with 72 Fishing to catch sharks, which require 76 Fishing; instead it allows the player to catch fish with the same speed as if they were four levels higher. Invisible boosts do stack with visible boosts.


Items that give temporary boosts[]

  • Potions, such as the hunter potion which boosts a player's Hunter level by three.
  • Food, such as the garden pie which boosts a player's Farming level by three.
  • Drinks, such as the wizard's mind bomb which boosts a player's Magic level by two or three depending on the player's Magic level.
  • Summoning scrolls, such as the Tireless Run scroll which boosts a player's Agility level by two.
  • Spicy stews - can only be accessed with completion of Evil Dave's section in the quest Recipe for Disaster. These are random and can boost OR lower a skill by up to five.
  • The crystal saws from The Eyes of Glouphrie and Prifddinas provide an invisible boost of three and five respectively to a player's Construction level. They allow players to build items as if their Construction level was three or five levels higher; this is an invisible boost and so can be used in conjunction with tea or stews.
  • Capes of Accomplishment boost the corresponding skill level to 100/99 when the cape is equipped or operated. Prayer and Constitution skillcapes have a cool down period of 1 minute.
  • God banners allow players to boost one non-combat skill by 2 levels for a period of 30 minutes each day. Completing the exploration set allows players to boost Agility by 5 levels for 30 minutes a day. Completing the combat set allows players to boost one combat skill by 5 levels for a period of 30 minutes each day.

List of boosts affecting multiple skills[]

 template  = :Temporary skill boost/Calc/Template
 form      = boostCalcForm
 result    = boostCalcResult
 param     = skill|Skill|Select skill|select|Agility,Attack,Constitution,Construction,Cooking,Crafting,Defence,Farming,Firemaking,Fishing,Fletching,Herblore,Hunter,Magic,Mining,Prayer,Ranged,Runecrafting,Slayer,Smithing,Strength,Thieving,Woodcutting
 param     = level|Level|1|int|1-120
Image Boost Skill Level
Visibility Other info
Ranging cape Skillcape Any skill +1 Visible Activating the cape's effect increases the corresponding skill by 1.
Spicy stew Spicy stew Any skill but Summoning, Constitution, Prayer, Dungeoneering and Invention up to ±6 with 3 spice doses
up to ±3 with 2 spice doses
up to ±1 with 1 spice dose
Visible Depending on type of stew, any skill (besides Summoning, Invention, Constitution, Prayer, and Dungeoneering) can be boosted or reduced by 1 to 5 points randomly.
Super melee potion (6) Super melee potion Attack, Strength and Defence 12% + 2, rounded down Visible None.
Super warmaster's potion (6) Super warmaster's potion Attack, Strength, Defence, Magic and Ranged 12% + 2, rounded down Visible None.
Extreme brawler's potion (6) Extreme brawler's potion Attack, Strength and Defence 15% + 3, rounded down Visible Recipe must be found and bought.
Extreme battlemage's potion (6) Extreme battlemage's potion Magic and Defence 15% + 3, rounded down Visible Recipe must be found and bought.
Extreme sharpshooter's potion (6) Extreme sharpshooter's potion Ranged and Defence 15% + 3, rounded down Visible Recipe must be found and bought.
Extreme warmaster's potion (6) Extreme warmaster's potion Attack, Strength, Defence, Magic and Ranged 15% + 3, rounded down Visible Recipe must be found and bought.
Overload (3) Overload Combat skills 15% + 3, rounded down Visible The boost is reapplied every 15 seconds for 5 minutes.
Holy overload potion (6) Holy overload potion Attack, Strength, Defence, Magic and Ranged 15% + 3, rounded down Visible
  • Recipe must be bought.
  • Restores 486 prayer points over the course of 6 minutes.
  • Stat boosts are reapplied every 15 seconds.
Searing overload potion (6) Searing overload potion Attack, Strength, Defence, Magic and Ranged 15% + 3, rounded down Visible
  • Recipe must be bought.
  • Protects against dragon fire for 6 minutes.
  • Stat boosts are reapplied every 15 seconds.
Overload salve (6) Overload salve Attack, Strength, Defence, Magic and Ranged 15% + 3, rounded down Visible
  • Recipe must be found and bought.
  • Protects against dragon and wyvern fire damage for 6 minutes.
  • Restores 555 prayer points over the course of 6 minutes.
  • Reduces poison damage taken by 100% for 5 minutes and 46 seconds.
  • Stat boosts are reapplied every 15 seconds.
Supreme overload potion (6) Supreme overload potion Attack, Strength, Defence, Magic and Ranged 16% + 4, rounded down Visible
  • Recipe must be found and bought.
  • Stat boosts are reapplied every 15 seconds.
Supreme overload salve (6) Supreme overload salve Attack, Strength, Defence, Magic and Ranged 16% + 4, rounded down Visible
  • Recipe must be found and bought.
  • Protects against dragon and wyvern fire damage for 6 minutes.
  • Restores 555 prayer points over the course of 6 minutes.
  • Reduces poison damage taken by 100% for 5 minutes and 46 seconds.
  • Stat boosts are reapplied every 15 seconds.
Dominion marker (stage 1)
Dominion marker (stage 2)
Dominion marker (stage 3)
Dominion marker (stage 4)
Dominion marker Combat skills
  • Tier 1: +4
  • Tier 2: +6
  • Tier 3: +8
  • Tier 4: +10
Visible Boosts Combat skills when placed nearby. Reapplies the boost once it decays back to the base level.
Power-up Clan citadel powerups Combat skills, Agility and Summoning Up to 10 Visible What skill is boosted and the amount depends on what it has been assigned in the battlefield editor.
Sugar skull or Toffee apple Sugar skull or Toffee apple Any skill except Constitution, Invention, Prayer or Summoning +2 Visible

If you get the correct random effect (given at random from amongst four effects), then:

When eaten, all skills except for the 4 mentioned ones are boosted.

Banner of Armadyl
Banner of Bandos
Banner of Saradomin
Banner of Seren
Banner of Sliske
Banner of Zamorak
Banner of Zaros
Banner of the Godless
God banner powerup Any skill except Constitution, Slayer, Prayer, Summoning, Dungeoneering or Invention. Visible Requires pledging allegiance to one of the god factions and completing the relevant set of tasks assigned by that god's emissary. Each type of boost can be used once per day and lasts for 30 minutes; you must wait for one boost to expire before activating another.

List of temporary boosts[]

Image Boost Skill Level
Visibility Other info
Jitterberry Jitterberry Agility 2 Visible Requires access to The Arc. Also reduces Defence by 1 level.
Tireless run scroll Tireless run scroll Agility 2 Visible Special move of the Spirit terrorbird.
Agility potion (4) Agility potion (or mix) Agility 3 Visible Mix heals 60 life points.
Abyssal stealth scroll Abyssal stealth scroll Agility and Thieving 4 Visible Special move of the Abyssal lurker.
Summer pie Summer pie Agility 5 Visible Also heals 1187 life points and restores 20% run energy per bite.
Cup of tea Standard Cup of tea Attack 3 Visible Also heals 375 life points. Not to be confused with Player-Owned House tea.
Attack potion (4) Attack mix (2) Attack potion (or mix) Attack 1 + 8% Visible Mix also heals 30 life points.
Super attack (4) Super attack mix (2) Super attack (or mix) Attack 2 + 12% Visible Mix also heals 60 life points.
Extreme attack (4) Extreme attack Attack 3 + 15% Visible Requires 88 herblore to make.
Zamorak brew (4) Zamorak mix (2) Zamorak brew (or Zamorak mix) Attack and Strength Attack: 2 + 20%

Strength: 2 + 12%

Visible Decreases Defence by 2 + 10% and remaining life points by 20 + 10% (Mix reduces life points by 10% - (10 to 40)).
Combat potion (4) Combat mix (2) Combat potion (or mix) Attack and Strength 3 + 10% Visible Mix also heals 60 life points.
Ruby harvest Ruby Harvest Attack 20% Visible Must be used on another player. Boost affects the player it is used on.
Rumberry Rumberry Attack 2 Visible Requires access to The Arc. Also reduces Defence by 1 level.
Grand attack potion (6) Grand attack potion Attack 2 + 14% Visible None.
Supreme attack potion (6) Supreme attack potion Attack 4 + 16% Visible Recipe needs to be bought
Cavefish Cavefish Combat skills One combat skill is boosted randomly by 2. Visible Also heals 2200 life points.
Cup of tea POH Cup of tea Construction 1, 2 or 3 Visible Boost depends on the shelf the cup used was obtained from.
Crystal saw Crystal saw Construction 3 Invisible Only applies to items requiring a saw (e.g. not rooms or plants).
Crystal saw (Prifddinas) Crystal saw (Prifddinas) Construction 5 Invisible Only applies to items requiring a saw (e.g. not rooms or plants).
Sculpting chisel (Saradomin)Sculpting chisel (Guthix)Sculpting chisel (Bandos)Sculpting chisel (Zamorak) Sculpting chisel Construction 1 Invisible Requires completions of God Statues for at least 4 months in any location. Needs to be wielded to receive boost.
Chef's delight Chef's delight Cooking 1 + 5% Visible Also heals 10 life points. Reduces Attack and Strength by 2 or more.
Chef's delight (m) Mature Chef's delight Cooking 2 + 5% Visible Also heals 10 life points. Reduces Attack and Strength by 2 or more.
Squiffberry Squiffberry Cooking 2 Visible Requires access to The Arc. Also reduces Defence by 1 level.
Crafting potion (4) Crafting potion Crafting 3 Visible None.
Defence potion (4) Defence mix (2) Defence potion (or mix) Defence 1 + 8% Visible Mix also heals 60 life points.
Super defence (4) Super defence mix (2) Super defence (or mix) Defence 2 + 12% Visible Mix also heals 30 to 60 life points.
Extreme defence (3) Extreme defence Defence 3 + 15% Visible Requires 90 herblore to make.
Saradomin brew (4) Dom saradomin brew (full) Saradomin brew / Dom saradomin brew Defence and life points Defence: 1 + 4%

Life points: 500

Visible Decreases Attack, Strength, Magic and Ranged levels by 10%. Life points can rise above normal level with the boost.
Cabbage Draynor Manor Cabbage Defence 1 or 2 Visible Also heals 200 life points.
Testudo scroll Testudo scroll Defence 8 Visible Special move of the War tortoise.
Titan's con. scroll Titan's Constitution Defence and life points Defence: 12.5%

Life points: 200

Visible Special move of Fire titan, Moss titan and Ice titan. Life points can rise above normal level with the boost.
Sapphire glacialis Sapphire Glacialis Defence 20% Visible Must be used on another player. Boost affects the player it is used on.
Grand defence potion (6) Grand defence potion Defence 2 + 14% Visible None.
Supreme defence potion (6) Supreme defence potion Defence 4 + 16% Visible Recipe needs to be bought.
Divination potion (4) Divination potion Divination 3 Visible None.
Super divination (4) Super divination Divination 5 Visible None.
Extreme divination (4) Extreme divination Divination 15% of level + 3 Visible Requires 89 herblore to make.
Meloberry Meloberry Divination 2 Visible Requires access to The Arc. Also reduces Defence by 1 level.
Dreadfowl pouch Dreadfowl Farming 1 Visible Speak to Dreadfowl.
Compost mound pouch Compost mound Farming 1 + 2% Visible Speak to Compost mound.
Stranger plant pouch Stranger plant Farming 1 + 4% Visible Speak to Stranger plant.
Cider Cider Farming 1 Visible Heals 140 life points, reduces Attack and Strength by 2.
Mature cider Mature cider Farming 2 Visible Heals 170 life points, reduces Attack and Strength by 5.
Cocoaberry Cocoaberry Farming 2 Visible Requires access to The Arc. Also reduces Defence by 1 level.
Garden pie Garden pie Farming 3 Visible Also heals 60 life points per bite.
Pork pie Pork pie Farming and Summoning 5 Visible Also heals 540 life points. Unlike most pies, only has one bite.
Pigswill Pigswill Farming and Summoning 3 Visible Heals 880 life points, reduces Attack and Strength by 3.
Mature pigswill Mature pigswill Farming and Summoning 4, 3 Visible Heals 880 life points, reduces Attack and Strength by 3.
Smoulderberry Smoulderberry Firemaking 2 Visible Requires access to The Arc. Also reduces Defence by 1 level.
Pyrelord pouch Pyrelord Firemaking 3 Invisible Familiar must be summoned.
Phoenix pouch Phoenix (familiar) Firemaking 6 Invisible Familiar must be summoned.
Lava titan pouch Lava titan Firemaking and Mining 10, 10 Invisible Familiar must be summoned.
Fishing potion (4) Fishing mix (2) Fishing potion (or mix) Fishing 3 Visible Mix also heals 30 to 60 life points.
Fish pie Fish pie Fishing 3 Visible Also heals 470 life points per bite.
Admiral pie Admiral pie Fishing 5 Visible Also heals 875 life points per bite.
Granite crab pouch Granite Crab Fishing 1 Invisible Familiar must be summoned.
Ibis pouch Ibis Fishing 3 Invisible Familiar must be summoned.
Granite lobster pouch Granite lobster Fishing 4 Invisible Familiar must be summoned.
Stormberry Stormberry Fishing 2 Visible Requires access to The Arc. Also reduces Defence by 1 level.
Squeck juice Squeck juice Fishing 1 Visible Severely reduces Cooking.
Fletching potion (4) Fletching potion Fletching 3 Visible None.
Greenman's ale Greenman's ale Herblore 1 Visible Heals 290 life points. Reduces Attack, Strength and Defence by 2 or more.
Greenman's ale (m) Mature Greenman's ale Herblore 2 Visible Heals 320 life points. Reduces Attack, Strength and Defence by 2 or more.
Gloomberry Gloomberry Herblore 2 Visible Requires access to The Arc. Also reduces Defence by 1 level.
Hunter potion (4) Hunting mix (2) Hunter potion (or mix) Hunter 3 Visible Mix heals 20 to 30 life points.
Super hunter (4) Super hunter Hunter 5 Visible None.
Extreme hunter (4) Extreme hunter Hunter 15% of level + 3 Visible Requires 80 herblore to make.
Spirit graahk pouch Spirit kyatt pouch Spirit larupia pouch Spirit graahk, Spirit kyatt and Spirit larupia Hunter 5 Invisible Familiar must be summoned.
Arctic bear pouch Arctic bear Hunter 7 Invisible Familiar must be summoned.
Mournberry Mournberry Hunter 2 Visible Requires access to The Arc. Also reduces Defence by 1 level.
Wolpertinger pouch Wolpertinger Hunter 5 Invisible Familiar must be summoned.
Mud bath Mud bath Hunter 10% Visible Requires completion of As a First Resort, which requires 48 Hunter. Also temporarily removes the player's scent, removing the need to use a torch while hunting to improve catch rates.
Invention potion (4) Invention potion Invention 3 Visible None.
Super invention (4) Super invention Invention 5 Visible None.
Extreme invention (4) Extreme invention Invention 15% of level + 3 Visible Requires 95 herblore to make.
Guthix rest (3) Guthix rest Life points 50 Visible Only works when at full life points. Also reduces poison damage by 10 and restore 5% of run energy.
Rocktail Rocktail Life points 10% Visible Heals 2300 life points and can raise life points up to 10% over the maximum.
Ancestral key Elidinis Statuette Life points 500 Visible Requires completion of Spirit of the Elid. Any lost life points are restored prior to the boost. Also restores Prayer points.
Thermal bath Thermal bath Life points 5% Visible Requires completion of As a First Resort. Any lost life points are restored prior to the boost. Also cures and gives temporary protection from poison and disease.
Fireberry Fireberry Magic 2 Visible Requires access to The Arc. Also reduces Defence by 1 level.
Wizard's mind bomb Wizard's mind bomb Magic 2 + 2% Visible Also heals 340 life points. +3 boost only applies if the player's magic level is higher than 50. Reduces Attack, Strength and Defence by 1 or more. Is available to free players.
Magic essence (3) Magic essence mix (2) Magic essence potion (or mix) Magic 3 Visible Mix also heals 30 to 60 life points.
Mature wmb Mature Wizard's mind bomb Magic 3 or 4 Visible +4 boost only applies if the player's magic level is higher than 50. Reduces Attack, Strength and Defence.
Magic potion (4) Super magic mix (2) Magic potion (or mix) Magic 1 + 8% Visible Mix also heals 30 to 60 life points.
Vecna skull Vecna skull Magic 2 + 10% Visible Cannot be used if magic is boosted and only once every 7 minutes.
Extreme magic (3) Extreme magic Magic 3 + 15% Visible Requires 91 herblore to make.
Magic focus scroll Magic focus scroll Magic 7 Visible Special move of the Wolpertinger.
Grand magic potion (6) Grand magic potion Magic 2 + 14% Visible None.
Supreme magic potion (6) Supreme magic potion Magic 4 + 16% Visible Recipe needs to be bought.
Desert wyrm pouch Desert wyrm Mining 1 Invisible Familiar must be summoned.
Void ravager pouch Void ravager Mining 1, 1 Invisible and Visible Familiar must be summoned. Speak to the Void ravager to obtain a visible boost of 1 in addition to the invisible boost of 1.
Obsidian golem pouch Obsidian golem Mining 7 Invisible Familiar must be summoned.
Lava titan pouch Lava titan Mining, Firemaking 10, 10 Invisible Familiar must be summoned.
Stoneberry Stoneberry Mining 2 Visible Requires access to The Arc. Also reduces Defence by 1 level.
Dwarven stout Dwarven stout Mining, Smithing 1 Visible Also heals 190 life points. Is available to free players.
Dwarven stout (m) Mature dwarven stout Mining, Smithing 2 Visible Also heals 220 life points. Reduces Attack, Strength and Defence by 2 or more.
Mahogany altar Edgeville Monastery altar, Altar of nature, Seers' Village altar Prayer 2 Visible Monastery requires 31 Prayer, and is available to free players. Altar of nature requires completion of Nature Spirit. Seers' Village requires completion of all hard Seers' Village Tasks (Seers' headband 3 or 4 must be worn).
Sulphur spring Sulphur spring Prayer 10% Visible Requires completion of As a First Resort. Prayer points are fully restored before the boost is applied.
Zaros symbol Altar of Zaros Prayer 15% Visible Requires completion of The Temple at Senntisten. Activates Ancient Curses and prayer points are fully restored before the boost is applied.
Ranging potion (4) Ranging mix (2) Ranging potion (or mix) Ranged 1 + 8% Visible Mix also heals 30 to 60 life points.
Super ranging potion (3) Super ranging mix (2) Super ranging potion (or mix) Ranged 2 + 12% Visible Mix also heals 30 to 60 life points.
Extreme ranging (3) Extreme ranging Ranged 3 + 15% Visible Requires 92 Herblore to make.
Wild pie Wild pie Ranged, Slayer 4, 5 Visible Also heals 850 life points per bite.
Wilder pie Wilder pie Ranged, Slayer 5, 6 Visible Also heals 1,100 life points per bite.
Geyser titan pouch Geyser titan Ranged 1 + 3% Visible Speak to the Geyser titan to obtain the boost.
Ranger's aid Ranger's aid Ranged 2 Visible Reduces Defence by 5.
Ranger's aid (m) Mature ranger's aid Ranged 3 Visible Reduces Defence by a random amount.
Grand ranging potion (6) Grand ranging potion Ranged 2 + 14% Visible None.
Exuberry Exuberry Ranged 2 Visible Requires access to The Arc. Also reduces Defence by 1 level.
Supreme ranging potion (6) Supreme ranging potion Ranged 4 + 16% Visible Recipe needs to be bought.
Oldak chathead Talking to Oldak Runecrafting and Magic +2 or -2 Visible Also possible no stats are boosted.
Slayer's respite Slayer's respite Slayer 1 Visible Also heals 590 life points, and reduces Attack and Strength by 2 or more.
Slayer's respite (m) Mature slayer's respite Slayer 2 Visible Also heals 620 life points, and reduces Attack and Strength by 2 or more.
Runecrafting potion (4) Runecrafting potion Runecrafting 3 Visible None.
Super runecrafting (4) Super runecrafting Runecrafting 5 Visible None.
Extreme runecrafting (4) Extreme runecrafting Runecrafting 15% of level + 3 Visible Requires 91 herblore to make.
Blisterberry Blisterberry Strength 2 Visible Requires access to The Arc. Also reduces Defence by 1 level.
Blurberry Special Blurberry Special/Premade Blurberry Special Strength 7 Visible Also reduces Attack by 5.
Drunk Dragon Drunk Dragon/Premade Drunk Dragon Strength 7 Visible Also reduces Attack by 4.
Wizard Blizzard Wizard Blizzard/Premade Wizard Blizzard Strength 6 Visible Also reduces Attack by 4.
Short Green Guy Short Green Guy/Premade Short Green Guy Strength 4 Visible

Also reduces Attack by 3.

Beer Beer Strength 4% Visible Also reduces Attack by 7%. Is available to free players.
Strength potion (4) Strength mix (2) Strength potion (or mix) Strength 1 + 8% Visible Mix also heals 30 life points.
Strength potion is available to free players.
Super strength (4) Super strength mix (2) Super strength (or mix) Strength 2 + 12% Visible Mix also heals 30 to 60 life points.
Extreme strength (3) Extreme strength Strength 3 + 15% Visible Requires 89 herblore to make.
Volcanic strength scroll Volcanic strength scroll Strength 9 Visible Special move of the Obsidian golem.
Black warlock Black Warlock Strength 20% Visible Must be used on another player. Boost affects the player it is used on.
Grand strength potion (6) Grand strength potion Strength 2 + 14% Visible None.
Supreme strength potion (6) Supreme strength potion Strength 4 + 16% Visible Recipe needs to be bought.
Musaberry Musaberry Summoning 2 Visible Requires access to The Arc. Also reduces Defence by 1 level.
Bandit's brew Bandit's brew Thieving 1 Visible None.
Thieving fingers scroll Thieving fingers scroll Thieving 2 Visible Special move of the Magpie.
Spring sq'irkjuice Spring sq'irkjuice Thieving 1 Visible 20% run energy boost.
Autumn sq'irkjuice Autumn sq'irkjuice Thieving 2 Visible 30% run energy boost.
Summer sq'irkjuice Summer sq'irkjuice Thieving 3 Visible 40% run energy boost.
Sourberry Sourberry Thieving 2 Visible Requires access to The Arc. Also reduces Defence by 1 level.
Axeman's folly Axeman's folly Woodcutting 1 Visible Also heals 490 life points.
Axeman's folly (m) Mature axeman's folly Woodcutting 2 Visible Also heals 520 life points. Reduces Attack and Strength by 2 or more.
Rosaberry Rosaberry Woodcutting 2 Visible Requires access to The Arc. Also reduces Defence by 1 level.
Beaver pouch Beaver Woodcutting 2 Invisible Familiar must be summoned.
  • A percentage boost is always rounded down, with exception of the mud bath and chef's delight, which are rounded up.
  • A reduction of x or more levels means the actual amount reduced depends on the player's level in the skills listed.