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Berries of the Arc is an activity in the Arc where players find and breed berries of various types. Berry bushes can be grown from seed in the planters on Tuai Leit. Players can check the status of these seeds on the first page of the Arc Journal, under the heading "Planters".

Eating berries provides temporary stat boosts and heals 1 life point. All berries can be sold to Terri (fruit merchant), found in the gnome encampment in south-western Tuai Leit, or Sinuman (food merchant) on Cyclosis. Players can sell berry seeds to Ani's Seed Store by the Sea Shore, found in the gnome colony on Tuai Leit, or to Sinuman (food merchant) on Cyclosis for an extra chime on some seeds.

After growing all 16 varieties of berries, Ani rewards the player with a 50,000 Farming XP lamp, and he also agrees to tend to the player's berry bushes while they are away, granting 10% extra experience and yield.


In order to obtain any berry besides rumberries and exuberries, players need to either find a seed in a rare Uncharted Isles chest or cross-breed them in the planters in central Tuai Leit.

Players can add one seed to each of the adjacent planters in order to cross-pollinate seeds and grow bushes. After approximately 42 hours of growth, bushes will mature and can be harvested for berries and seeds.

Unlike real seeds that only produce pollen after flowering, berry seeds will cross-pollinate if they are planted next to each other - even before any significant growth shows. Therefore, harvesting one bush and immediately planting a new seed - before harvesting the second bush - will ensure that each harvest may yield a new cross-pollinated seed along with the regular produce.

Players do not require 86 Farming to plant or harvest berry bushes, only to obtain the rumberry and exuberry seeds initially from bushes. However, harvesting berries without 86 Farming will receive no Farming experience. Players may alternatively receive them from a foraging bakami, but catching one requires 90 Hunter.

Each bush is harvested separately in one action. The entire amount of berries and seeds are put into the player's inventory.

Berry Farming XP Positive boost Negative boost Cross-pollination / source
Rumberry Rumberry 2,000 +2 Attack -1 Defence Picked on Tuai Leit/obtained from foraging bakami
Exuberry Exuberry 2,000 +2 Ranged -1 Defence Picked on Uncharted Isles/obtained from foraging bakami
Rumberry seed Rumberry seed Rumberry seed Rumberry seed
Fireberry Fireberry 3,000 +2 Magic -1 Defence Rumberry seed Rumberry seed Exuberry seed Exuberry seed
Blisterberry Blisterberry 5,000 +2 Strength -1 Defence Rumberry seed Rumberry seed Fireberry seed Fireberry seed
Mournberry Mournberry 5,000 +2 Hunter -1 Defence Exuberry seed Exuberry seed Fireberry seed Fireberry seed
Stoneberry Stoneberry 3,000 +2 Mining -1 Defence Found in treasure chests on Uncharted Isles
Stormberry Stormberry 3,000 +2 Fishing -1 Defence Found in treasure chests on Uncharted Isles
Rosaberry Rosaberry 5,000 +2 Woodcutting -1 Defence Rumberry seed Rumberry seed Stoneberry seed Stoneberry seed
Squiffberry Squiffberry 8,500 +2 Cooking -1 Defence Rumberry seed Rumberry seed Blisterberry seed Blisterberry seed
Meloberry Meloberry 8,500 +2 Divination -1 Defence Rumberry seed Rumberry seed Mournberry seed Mournberry seed
Jitterberry Jitterberry 8,500 +2 Agility -1 Defence Exuberry seed Exuberry seed Blisterberry seed Blisterberry seed
Cocoaberry Cocoaberry 8,500 +2 Farming -1 Defence Exuberry seed Exuberry seed Mournberry seed Mournberry seed
Smoulderberry Smoulderberry 8,500 +2 Firemaking -1 Defence Fireberry seed Fireberry seed Blisterberry seed Blisterberry seed
Sourberry Sourberry 8,500 +2 Thieving -1 Defence Fireberry seed Fireberry seed Mournberry seed Mournberry seed
Gloomberry Gloomberry 8,500 +2 Herblore -1 Defence Blisterberry seed Blisterberry seed Mournberry seed Mournberry seed
Musaberry Musaberry 5,000 +2 Summoning -1 Defence Exuberry seed Exuberry seed Stormberry seed Stormberry seed

Recommended order[]

The most efficient order to cross-breed all seeds (excluding stoneberry, stormberry and their respective crosses) is as follows:

Be sure to harvest one bush, plant the seed, then harvest the second bush and plant that seed, otherwise the second crossbred seed will not be given.

Day State of planter at start of day Actions to take
0 N/A N/A
  1. Plant an exuberry seed and a rumberry seed in the Tuai Leit planter.
2 Exuberry bush Rumberry bush
  1. Pick the exuberry bush, producing a fireberry seed. Plant it in the open planter plot.
  2. Pick the rumberry bush, producing a blisterberry seed. Plant an exuberry seed in the open planter plot.
4 Fireberry bush Exuberry bush
  1. Pick the fireberry bush, producing a mournberry seed. Plant it in the open planter plot.
  2. Pick the exuberry bush, producing a cocoaberry seed. Plant a rumberry seed in the open planter plot.
6 Mournberry bush Rumberry bush
  1. Pick the mournberry bush, producing a meloberry seed. Plant a blisterberry seed in the open planter plot.
  2. Pick the rumberry bush, producing a squiffberry seed. Plant a mournberry seed in the open planter plot.
8 Blisterberry bush Mournberry bush
  1. Pick the blisterberry bush, producing a gloomberry seed. Plant a fireberry seed in the open planter plot.
  2. Pick the mournberry bush, producing a sourberry seed. Plant a blisterberry seed in the open planter plot.
10 Fireberry bush Blisterberry bush
  1. Pick the fireberry bush, producing a smoulderberry seed. Plant an exuberry seed in the open planter plot.
  2. Pick the blisterberry bush, producing a jitterberry seed.

Then, finishing up with the stormberry and stoneberry crosses can be done this way:

Day State of planter at start of day Actions to take
10 N/A N/A
  1. Plant an exuberry seed in one of the planters (must be done first)
  2. Plant a stormberry seed in the remaining planter.
12 Exuberry bush Stormberry bush
  1. Pick the exuberry bush, producing a musaberry seed. Plant a stoneberry seed in the open planter pot.
  2. Pick the stormberry bush. Plant a rumberry seed in the open planter pot.
14 Stoneberry bush Rumberry bush
  1. Pick the rumberry bush first, producing a rosaberry seed as well as rumberry seeds.
  2. Do not plant anything and pick the remaining stoneberry bush, producing stoneberry seeds (eliminates the need to forage another stoneberry seed).

The various seeds still need to be planted, as the journal tracks berries harvested, not discovered seeds.
