The Battle of Lumbridge Medley is a SoundCloud-exclusive music track. It is a mashup of music tracks released with the Battle of Lumbridge.
Featured music tracks[]
- 0:00 - Zamorak returns — the Battle of Lumbridge begins
- 0:58 - Saradominist sharpshooters
- 1:10 - Saradominist colossus
- 1:40 - Master of Light
- 2:01 - Saradominists
- 3:12 - Zamorak Camp
- 3:29 - Saradominists (II)
- 3:43 - Zamorak Camp (II)
- 3:54 - Machines of War
- 5:26 - Remnants
- 6:36 - Zamorakian siege beast
- 6:50 - Garden Echo
- 7:49 - Fragments of Guthix