Bandosian voting board to the right of the Bandosian quartermaster

The voting board to the left of the Armadylean quartermaster
Throughout The Bird and the Beast world event, players accumulated votes by gaining renown. Votes was spent to decide the microchanges and escalations for the following phase, each phase lasting 5 days. The voting interface was accessed by using the Voting board located at the ground floor, or by talking to the Armadylean record keeper or the Bandosian record keeper. Votes not spent in the previous phase carried over to the following phase.
Voting for the event ended at the end of phase 7.
Final results of votes[]
List of microchanges[]
Microchanges provided a boost to the faction such as improved gathering rate and increased damage, and the chosen buff was displayed in the battle HUD.
Phase 1: Diviner gathering buff vs Caravan capacity buff[]
- Voting period: 12 December – 16 December 2013
- Phase: 1
- Day: 1–5
Question | |
Vote to choose which buff your faction's convoys will receive.
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Options | |
Improved diviner gather rate: A 10% increase in the amount of divine resources your faction's diviners collect, for every gather action they perform.
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Increased caravan capacity: A 10% increase in the amount of divine resources that can be collected by a convoy.
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Result for Bandos | Result for Armadyl |
Improved diviner gather rate
Improved diviner gather rate
Phase 3: Caravan LP buff vs Bodyguard damage buff[]
- Voting period: 21 December – 25 December 2013
- Phase: 3
- Day: 11–15
Question | |
Vote to choose which buff your faction's convoys will receive.
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Options | |
Increased caravan life points: A 10% increase in the life points of caravan units within your faction's convoys.
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Increased bodyguard damage: A 50% increase in the damage dealt to enemies, by your factions bodyguards.
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Result for Bandos | Result for Armadyl |
Increased bodyguard damage
Increased bodyguard damage
Phase 5: Player healing rate vs Player gathering rate[]
- Voting period: 31 December 2013 – 4 January 2014
- Phase: 5
- Day: 21–25
Question | |
Vote to choose which buff player members of your faction will receive.
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Options | |
Improved player healing rate: A 10% increase in the amount a player can heal their faction's bodyguard and caravan units.
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Improved player gather rate: A 10% increase in the amount of divine resources a player can contribute to their faction's convoy.
| |
Result for Bandos | Result for Armadyl |
Improved player gather rate
Improved player gather rate
Phase 7: Increased building resilience vs Improved building effects[]
- Voting period: 10 January – 14 January 2014
- Phase: 7
- Day: 31–35
Question | |
Vote to choose which buff your faction's buildings will receive.
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Options | |
Increased building resilience: A 15% increase in the initial resilience of buildings constructed by your faction.
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Improved building effects: Buildings constructed by your faction will have a boost to their effects.
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Result for Bandos | Result for Armadyl |
Improved building effects
Improved building effects
List of escalations[]
Escalations increased the urgency and the difficulty of the battle. When escalations were active, the rate of interference by the Godless faction increased.
Phase 2: Upgraded bodyguard vs Upgraded diviner[]
- Voting period: 16 December – 20 December 2013
- Phase: 2
- Day: 6–10
Question | |
What improvements to your faction's convoys would you like to see?
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Options | |
Better bodyguard: One bodyguard in your faction's convoys will be exchanged for an upgraded version.
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Better diviner: One diviner in your faction's convoys will be exchanged for an upgraded version.
| |
Result for Bandos | Result for Armadyl |
Better bodyguard
Better diviner
Phase 4: Bigger caravan vs Tougher caravan[]
- Voting period: 26 December – 30 December 2013
- Phase: 4
- Day: 16–20
Question | |
What improvements to your faction's convoys would you like to see?
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Options | |
Bigger caravan: One caravan unit in your faction's convoys will be exchanged for an upgraded version with 40% extra capacity.
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Tougher caravan: One caravan unit in your faction's convoys will be exchanged for an upgraded version with 50% extra life points.
| |
Result for Bandos | Result for Armadyl |
Tougher caravan
Bigger caravan
Phase 6: Reduced Godless attacks vs Greater majority benefit[]
Question | |
Which faction benefit would you like to see?
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Options | |
Reduced frequency of Godless attacks: Your faction's convoys and buildings are 15% less likely to be ambushed by the Godless.
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Greater benefit from holding a majority of buildings: Passive benefits received from having buildings at a majority of sites are boosted by 10%.
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Result for Bandos | Result for Armadyl |
Greater benefit from holding a majority of buildings
Greater benefit from holding a majority of buildings