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The Bowl

The Bowl region

The Bowl is a region within the Wushanko Isles accessible by the Player owned ports minigame, found southeast of The Scythe. It is the fifth region opened up by the player advancing through the minigame. Rich in jade, a draw to pirates and prospectors alike. The khans of the Bowl are more interested in wealth and luxury than in military or political power, an attitude which draws merchants as thickly as flies. There are some Eastern Creatures here, that are rare to find anywhere else, such as Pegasus, Whales, Flying Turtles and Mountain Elephants.

The islands of the Bowl are:

  • Crescent Isle - An outpost of the khans' power, heavily fortified. Serves as a centre of frontier justice and bureaucracy.
  • Falling Blossom - An island renowned for its geishas, as well as hibiscus gardens and beautiful scenery. It is ruled by its khan, Oroshu.
  • Glittercaves - A cave network made bright by large outcrops of quartz and salt. Home to Shuma the whale.
  • Isle of Juniper - Declared taboo for settlement by an ancient khan; now overgrown with juniper groves and a rare haven for land-dwelling beasts.
  • Kei Pi - The people of Kei Pi are renowned for their energy and their hedonism, although some say that the vicious group of pirates known as the Pin operate out of a hidden base here.
  • Tattanogi - The pirates of this island have an unusual reputation for decency.
  • Tokoko - Training islands for the Death Lotus assassins. It is also pockmarked with fishing villages, which form a useful cover.
  • Shattered Beams - A fishing village built on stilts. Once home to the Whaler; since obliterated. Still home to the Old Man of the Sea, who can psychically link to sea monsters.
  • The Island of Regret - Adventurers that go ashore will begin to lose their memories.

Player Controlled Outposts[]

  • A Bastion built on Tokoko. A fortified building that acts as a small port, and exploits the natural reserves and produce on Tokoko.
  • A Jade Mine on Kei Pi, built to exploit the island's resources.
  • A Dock on Kei Pi's Black Cove, taken by force from the Pins, used to load Jade from the Portmaster's Jade Mine onto ships to deliver to the Bastion on Tokoko.


  • In To the Rescue the player sends a ship to intercede in a fight between the local Khan and some guests that he will not allow to leave.
  • In Bounty Hunter the player sends a ship to claim a bounty on a rogue Blazing Lantern captain, with many ships at his command. Turn him in to his own clan to claim the bounty.
  • In A Joint Effort, the Biologist and the Whaler uncover a new species of whale and wish to join forces to track its movements.
  • In To Gain through Death, the Assassin has heard that a merman who lures captains to their deaths has a vast supply of spices.

Allies and Enemies of the Portmaster[]

  • Khan of Falling Blossom, an enemy of the Portmaster for kidnapping and abusing women. The Portmaster regularly works with the palace Geisha to undermine the Khan.
  • Geisha Contact, allied with during First Contact the Portmaster works with her regularly to blackmail the Khan and gain access to the Falling Blossom Palace.
  • Khan of Glittercaves, allied with during Sign it in Blood, the Portmaster has a peacekeeping and trading agreement with the Khan.
  • Lost Spirt, befriended during A Friend Indeed, the spirit provides safe passage to the Portmaster's crew on the Island, amongst other things.
  • The Pins, a hostile pirate group that often breaks their promises, the Portmaster regularly sends raids against them.
  • The Khan of Kei Pi, after Explore the Seas in the Shield, if the Pins are sufficiently weakened, the player sets up a mutual trading agreement between all parties involved.


  • The lower half of 'The Bowl' resembles the real world country of New Zealand flipped 90 degrees onto its side. Falling Blossom resembles the Hawai'ian Islands' O'ahu, and most of the eastern islands in this arc resemble Hawai'ian islands.
  • The island Kei Pi, as well as the pirate group, Pin, are a reference to Pinkie Pie, a character from the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic series.
