RuneScape Wiki
Queen help book
This is the quick guide for The Chosen Commander.
For a more in-depth version, click here.


Start pointQuest map icon
The Chosen Commander icon
Speak to Captain Undak (North-east of the market in Dorgesh-Kaan, just across from the bank.)
Member requirementP2P icon Members only
Official difficultyExperienced Experienced
Official lengthLong to Very Long
RequirementsSkill requirements are not boostable unless marked with a [B] for boostable.
Quest Quests:
Items requiredItems from the tool belt are not listed unless they do not work or are not automatically added.


Enemies to defeat The statues are all weak to Magic attacks both during and after the quest.

Food poisoning[]

  • Talk to Captain Undak, east of the bank (by the eastern water fountain) in Dorgesh-Kaan. (Chat 212)
  • Climb the nearby stairs and talk to Mernik in the nursery.
  • Talk to Torzek outside. (Chat 411)
  • Talk to any child about what they ate. (Chat 2) ((Chat 1) for Jobo)
  • Go down the stairs and talk to Captain Undak. (Chat 3)
  • Head south to the market.
  • Talk to Markog, at the south-eastern-most stall of the market. (Chat 1)
  • Talk to Turgok, at the south-western-most stall of the market. (Chat 1)
  • Talk to Merchant Walton, south-east of the market. (Chat 1141)
  • Proceed to kill the merchant (cannot be ranged).


  • Talk to Zanik. (Chat ~~1)
  • Jump on the goblin south-west of the bowl statue.
  • Jump on statues to reach the statue holding the bowl of water.
  • Continue jumping north and take the crossbow from the ledge.
  • Grapple the north-eastern statue and take the pendant.
  • Look into the bowl.
  • Enter the western portal (the statues will move out of the way) for a cutscene.
  • Continue conversation with Zanik. (Chat 1)

The council[]

  • Go to the north end of Dorgesh-Kaan and up the stairs.
  • Watch the cutscene. (Chat ~31~)
  • Continue conversation with Captain Undak. (Chat 14)
  • Run south of the city, up and over staircases until you reach the agility course.
  • Descend the ladder top and head all the way south.
  • Talk to Zanik. (Chat 44442~41)
  • Watch the cutscene. (Chat ~)
  • After the cutscene talk to Zanik. (Chat 4)
  • Talk to Captain Undak for a set of H.A.M. robes. (Chat 11)
  • Prepare for battle, but only wear the H.A.M. robes.

Beef with H.A.M.[]

  • Enter the H.A.M. headquarters in Lumbridge.
  • Talk to Johanhus Ulsbrecht in the center of the three southern rooms. (Chat 3331)
  • Talk to Milton in the windmill near the Fishing Guild. (Chat 21)
  • Climb down the ladder.
  • Run directly east through the door, continuing east through stacks of crates.
  • Talk to the guard next to the prison. (Chat 1133)
  • Enter the main area and pickpocket Sam.
  • Return to the prison guard. (Chat 1)
  • Enter the prison and take the key, open the gate.
  • Escape with Grubfoot:
    • Talk to the prisoner, Grubfoot. (Chat 4)
    • Run into the kitchen, squeeze through the hole.
    • Open 1 of the 2 doors.
    • Go back through and open the other door as well.
    • Return to Grubfoot. (Chat 13)
    • Stand north of the guard, talk to him to face you and have his back is turned. (Chat ~)
    • Talk to Grubfoot in the next room. (Chat 2)
    • Squeeze into the kitchen, wait for the H.A.M. guard to come talk to you. (Chat 1~)
    • Talk to Grubfoot in the bedroom. (Chat 1)
    • Exit the east door and run to the big doors north. (Chat 1)
  • Watch the cutscene and wait for Sigmund to confront you. (Chat 3)
  • Kill Sigmund. (Chat ~)
    • If Zanik doesn't attack Sigmund, climb up the ladder, then back down.
  • Kill Zanik repeatedly. (Chat 1331232)
    • Avoid using bleeds as they cancel the dialogue forcing you to repeat the phase.

Lumbridge caves[]

  • Run west for an earthquake.
  • Right click Clear the fallen rocks.
  • Talk to Zanik. (Chat 41221111)
  • Go through the cave and talk to Juna.
  • Run north-west to exit the cave.
  • Go over the stepping stones and run directly north.
  • Squeeze through the hole.
  • Right click Follow Kazgar. (Chat ~)

Time capsule[]

  • Enter Dorgesh-Kaan and talk to Captain Undak north of the market. (Chat 44)
  • Climb the northern stairs for a cutscene (close the Bandos's Ultimatum screen that pops up). (Chat ~)
  • Climb back up the stairs, talk to the Goblin scribe. (Chat 121)
  • Climb down the stairs and run slightly south-east through a corridor (near the quest start point).
  • Talk to Tegdak in the room. (Chat 2)
  • Return to the Goblin scribe upstairs. (Chat 11)
  • Exit the city through the bone door north-east.
  • Talk to Mistag. (Chat 1)
  • Return to the city and talk to Oldak north of the bank. (Chat 21~11)
  • Return to the agility course (south end of Dorgesh-Kaan) - do not climb down the ladder.
  • Run east to the power station and climb down the stairs.
  • Talk to Turgall. (Chat 2)
  • Talk to Oldak, now south-east of the market. (Chat 1)
  • Talk to Zanik. (Chat 113)
  • Talk to Mernik in the children's nursery north-east upstairs. (Chat 11)
  • Talk to the Ambassador in the house just north. (Chat 21)
  • Return to Mernik. (Chat 11)

Final fight[]

  • Prepare to fight enemies weak to magic.
  • Talk to Zanik, south-east of the market. (Chat 2)
  • Defeat the Bandos avatar. (Chat 4)
  • Pick up all 4 parts of the crossbow while killing statues.
  • Use the crossbow pieces on each other. (Chat 5)
  • Kill the avatar again. (Chat 4)
  • Take the avatar's pendant.
  • Talk to Zanik. (Chat 443233)
  • Follow Zanik through the portal.
  • Click the screen to exit cutscene.
  • Quest complete!


The Chosen Commander reward
Music unlocked