RuneScape Wiki
[Name] the Completesunist
Release date 31 July 2017 (Update)
Members No
Position Suffix
Source Holiday / Seasonal
(Summer Beach Party)
Category Descriptions
Hidden until unlocked

the Completesunist is a title unlocked by completing all beach activities available at least once (free players don't need to complete the members-only activities), unlocking all token rewards from 2015-2017, and unlocking the Slomo Walk animation at the Summer Beach Party, then selecting the "Title-check" option on Reyna.


This title changes according to the language of the server on which RuneScape is played, as shown below:

Language Title
German [Name] der Perfektsonnist / die Perfektsonnistin
French [Name] sa Majesté des plages
Portuguese [Name] da Perfeisol


  • When unlocking this title, the title's colour is incorrect in the message: Collection complete! You unlock the title: the Completesunist!
  • Its colour was changed in a patch on 7 August 2017.