the Daredevil is a title unlocked by completing the Hero of the Goebies achievement, which requires the player to complete 10 Raid achievements in total. Five are completed at Beastmaster Durzag , and the other five at Yakamaru .
Requirements [ ]
Beastmaster Durzag
Cormes and Goes
Defeat Durzag without killing Cormes
Prison Break
Have at least one Goebie survive the fight with Durzag
Day at the Pound
Defeat Durzag without opening any of the charger cages in the arena walls
Animal Cruelty
Have Durzag deal the killing blow to both Tuz and Krar
Gong Maintenance Expert
Defeat Durzag with all gongs repaired but unused
Better Not Touch
Defeat Yakamaru with all but one member of the raid still poisoned
Day at the Aquarium
Defeat Yakamaru with one durable jellyfish and one reflecting jellyfish still alive
Make Friends and Influence People
Use asphyxiate on Yakamaru's north pool and have the whole raid survive
All Together Now
Defeat all four images of Yakamaru within ten seconds
After defeating all of the images of Yakamaru, allow the consumption of a Durable Jellyfish and then kill it
Translations [ ]
This title changes according to the language of the server on which RuneScape is played, as shown below:
[Name] der Draufgänger / die Draufgängerin
[Name] le trompe-la-mort / la trompe-la-mort
[Name] o Temerário / a Temerária