RuneScape Wiki

The Fistmarks of Genma is an island inThe Hook region of the Wushanko Isles. The scientific and superstitious disagree on what came to form the knuckle-shaped depressions indenting the entire surface of this island.


  • In X Marks the Spot the player sends a ship locate and retrieve rich resources down a wishing well in an old town on Fistmarks of Genma.
  • In A Feat of Seamanship the player sends a ship to sailed to the Gulf of Fury, north of the Fistmarks of Genma. Few have ever completed this task and survived to tell the tale.
  • In A Voyage of Discovery the player sends a ship to teach the captain to be more Plucky.
  • In Brushing Up on Old Cons the player sends a ship when the Convict thinks there are opportunities for perfecting his trade in a small village on the Fistmarks of Genma. There are a lot of unsuspecting victims on which to hone his abilities.
  • In Target Practice the player sends a ship when the Trapper wishes to practice firing Ol' Bessie at far off targets. Take him to the Fistmarks of Genma and find an open area.
  • In A Joint Effort the player sends a ship when the Memory and Occultist wish to investigate the magic and anima of The Fistmarks of Genma, to explore a potential connection with living rock creatures.
  • In To the Skies! the player sends a ship when the Tengu has discovered a sky orphan chi cache above The Fistmarks of Genma. Help him to recover it.
  • In The Forgotten Scrolls the player sends a ship when the Memory has divined the location of a forgotten scroll, but it is protected by an anima barrier. Head to The Fistmarks of Genma to claim it.
  • In To the Skies! the player sends a ship when the Tengu has discovered a sky orphan black slate cache above The Fistmarks of Genma. Help him to recover it.
