The Ghastly Grimoire is used during and after the 2017 Hallowe'en event to keep track of all of the ghost stories that were collected.
There are 10 stories after all ghosts have been helped.
- Heralds of the Apocalypse
- The Group Gatestone
- Always and Forever
- By the Light of the Moon
- Family Reunion
- Wool
- Asleep
- Clockwork
- Saradomin Have Mercy
- The Beginning and the End
- Five of these stories were made by players BarryManilow, Chaos Lupus, Cinder Quill, Questcaping, and Zorial, with the other five stories made by JMods Raven, Mohawk, Scorpio, Osborne, and Rowley.
- During the event, if players destroyed the book, they could also reclaim it from Closure.