The Island that Reflects the Moon is an island in The Scythe region of the Wushanko Isles. This is an area renowned for its hospitality and hot springs. Beyond the odd cave giant, the island is a paradise. Cave Giants and River Giants are found here.
- In Troubled Waters the player sends a ship to navigate a dangerous and jagged causeway to find a quicker route to the Island That Reflects The Moon.
- In Riddles the player sends a ship to free lumber workers who are being held captive by a riddle-loving wide-eyed river giant. Quick thinking is preferable to force.
- In In Dire Need the player sends a ship to protect a cherrywood lumber camp from attacking wide-eyed river giants.
- In Smuggling Job the player sends a ship to smuggle explosives, for killing giants, to the Island that Reflects the Moon. The player warns their captain to not get caught by the authorities.
- In The Giant that Blocks the Sun the player sends a ship to fight Mujia, the giant has been spotted near a cherry wood grove on the Island That Reflects The Moon, for fame and glory.
- In Island Explorer the player sends a ship to explore the Island That Reflects The Moon in search of resources. The player instructs their captain to beware of the many giants that live in its mountains.
- In A Voyage of Discovery the player sends their captain here to teach them to be an Opprotunist.
- In Brushing up on Old Cons, The Convict thinks there are opportunities for perfecting his trade in the City of Stars on the Island That Reflects the Moon. (sic)
- In Woe for Wu, the player can send The Assassin to kill Wu who is being stationed in the Islands that Reflect the Moon.
- Possibly in A Daring Raid, the player can send The Assassin to get spice from a giant flat-headed man eating giant.
- As a causeway is road supported on earth or stone, the player would probably be better off sending a cart to navigate it, rather than a ship.