RuneScape Wiki

The Island that is Blamed for Nothing is an island in The Shield region. Six hundred men and women were sent to explore the island, only to result in the entire crew dying. All was forgiven when the massive Azure lodes were discovered within the island. Ronin Ogres are found on the island, and may be hostile to outsiders.

The Black Stone Fortress, or its rubble, is found here.

The largest Azure deposit on the island is called the Mother Lode.

Player-Owned Port Voyages[]

  • In Island Explorer the player sends a ship to make improved maps of the Island that is Blamed for Nothing, to help save the lives of future adventurers visiting the place.
  • In Resourceful the player sends a ship to explore the Island that is Blamed for Nothing in search of new azure deposits. The player warns their crew to be wary of the treacherous landscape, which deceives.
  • In The Seven Great Toads the player sends a ship after word has reached the navigator that the Seven Great Toads are rampaging across the Island that is Blamed for Nothing. Force them back into the sea.
  • In Azure Waters the player sends a ship after learning the shallows around the Island that is Blamed for Nothing may prove a suitable location to shallow-dive in search of loose azure. Send a crew to investigate.
  • In Smuggling Job the player sends a ship to smuggle a shipment of azure off the Island that is Blamed for Nothing and return it to port without any of the Arc's bureaucrats learning of the transfer.
  • In Bounty Hunter the player sends a ship after the mine foreman of the Island that is Blamed for Nothing has posted a bounty on a ronin ogre who has set up camp on the outskirts of the mother lode.
  • In Black Stone Fortress the player sends a ship to the Black Stone Fortress to besiege it, then reduce it to rubble, and loot the place.
  • In Pearls In The East the player sends a ship after learning that, on the Island that is Blamed for Nothing, a mining colony has come into possession of a cache of pearls which they will turn over to you for protection.
  • In A Voyage of Discovery the player sends a captain to learn how to be a better Lookout.
