RuneScape Wiki

The Lair of Tavi and Vynal is an island in The Shield region, and a jewel of culture exists within the bleak black rock. It is said that the finest musicians in the East or West can be found here.

Player-Owned Port Voyages[]

  • In Re-sail Value the player sends a ship after a small raider band is makes itself a nuisance to shipping around the Lair of Tavi and Vynal. Capture their ships, and sell them second-hand.
  • In The Spinning Octopus the player sends a ship after learning the terrible beast known as the Spinning Octopus has been drawn to the Lair of Tavi and Vynal in search of food. Persuade it to search elsewhere.
  • In Supply and Demand the player sends a ship after learning the people of the Lair of Tavi and Vynal have refined tastes. A trade mission to the island could be richly rewarding.
  • In Bladewing Trouble the player sends a hsip after learning Bladewings are flocking in unusual numbers and migrating to the Lair of Tavi and Vynal. Innocent lives are at risk if we do not act.
  • In Gangplanks and Cannons the player sends a ship after learning Blazing Lantern pirates from the west are battling Obsidian pirates near the Lair of Tavi and Vynal. Await your chance and engage the weakened winner.
  • In Explore the Seas the player sends a ship to discover a safer trade route between Kei Pi and the Lair of Tavi and Vynal, improving commerce between the two regions.
  • In Lanjahn the Slaver the player sends a ship after learning a notorious pirate, Lanjahn the Slaver, has established a successful operation preying on the Lair of Tavi and Vynal. Go and shiver his timbers for him.
  • In First Contact the player sends a ship to establish diplomatic contact with the sensei of the ninja musicians of the Lair of Tavi and Vynal. She should be a valuable ally.
  • In Making Music the player sends a ship to transport a musician couple from the Lair of Tavi and Vynal who have been visiting the West and now wish to return home. They offer payment, and a free concert.
  • In Diplomacy the player sends a ship after learning the leaders at the Lair of Tavi and Vynal wish to set up a diplomatic delegation on Flou Tar-Shei. Assist them with transport and protection.
  • In A Lacquer Respect the player sends a ship after the musicians of the Lair of Tavi and Vynal have sent a message offering a tribute of lacquer. Accept, gracefully.
  • In A Voyage of Discovery the player sends a captain to learn how to be a better Tactician.


  • The island name refers to Vinyl Scratch and Octavia, two background characters from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. The island having the finest musicians adds to this allusion with Vinyl a disc jockey and Octavia playing the cello.
