RuneScape Wiki
Queen help book
This is the quick guide for The Lord of Vampyrium.
For a more in-depth version, click here.


Start pointQuest map icon
The Lord of Vampyrium icon
Vanescula Drakan near Burgh de Rott
Member requirementP2P icon Members only
Official difficultyMaster Master
Official lengthLong to Very Long
RequirementsSkill requirements are not boostable unless marked with a [B] for boostable.
Quest Quests:
Items requiredItems from the tool belt are not listed unless they do not work or are not automatically added.
Enemies to defeat

Starting off[]

Gathering of the Myreque[]

Ring puzzle 1 solution

The solution to the first ring puzzle.

  • Board the nearby boat. (Chat 2)
  • Talk to Safalaan.
  • Solve the ring puzzle by rotating the rings until they turn blue and their markings join together.
  • Inspect the statue of Queen Efaritay to receive Efaritay's pendant.
  • Talk to Safalaan.
  • Travel to the Myreque Hideout with Drakan's medallion (Chat 3) and walk into the central room.
  • After the cut-scene, talk to Safalaan in the northern room.

Castle Drakan[]

  • Equip your Darkmeyer disguise.
  • Teleport to Darkmeyer (Chat 4) and talk to Veliaf Hurtz inside the Arboretum. He will not appear until you walk into the central chamber.
  • Exit the Arboretum and go west to the city wall to find a group of vyrewatch. Talk to Overwatch Mornid.
  • Search the Vyrewatch crate in the large house (Vanstrom's former mansion) south-east of the vyrewatch to obtain Vyrewatch uniforms.
  • Return to Veliaf. (Chat 1)
  • Equip the House Drakan outfit and talk to Vanescula near Overwatch Mornid.
  • Complete the following to gain status:
  • Talk to Vanescula. (Chat ~~~~)

Escaping the cells[]

Ring puzzle 2 solution

The solution to the second ring puzzle.

  • Exit your cell and unlock the five other cells.
  • Go to the next chamber and solve the ring puzzle.
    • This is similar to the earlier puzzle with the addition that rotating a ring causes the smaller, adjacent ring to rotate as well. Rotating the centre ring causes the outer ring to rotate.
    • Start from the outside and work your way in.
  • Go to the next chamber and talk to Safalaan.
  • Go up the stairs and leave the dungeon.
  • Go to the eastern room and take all the mysterious jerky you are able to from the butchery table.
  • Talk to Vanescula and Mornid in the western room.
  • Go to the southern room and investigate each blood lock. The correct matches are:
    • Ghrazi - Veliaf (Chat 53)
    • Alzeph - Radigad (Chat 51)
    • Pyrah - Kael (Chat 2)
    • Myrmel - Mekritus (Chat 3)
    • Vitur - Polmafi (Chat 4)
    • Shadum - Vertida (Chat 54)
    • Jovkai - Safalaan (Chat 52)
    • Drakan - Ivan (Chat 1)
  • Unlock the tithing door and escape through the cellar exit.
  • Enter the tunnel and Lowerniel Drakan will appear.

Ascending the castle[]

If you die at any point you will continue from where you died at or just before. You may not bring any potions in, but you can drink them for the potion's effect and then enter.

Ground floor[]

  • Vandalise the Statue of Lord Drakan to obtain a statue spear.
  • Brace the entrance door.
  • Defeat the venator and climb the stairs.

First floor[]

First room[]
  • Obtain nine furniture debris and barricade the three windows. This will start a timer.
    • Smash furniture and pick up the debris to obtain furniture debris.
    • Defeat the venator if time runs out and one appears.
  • Unlock the blood lock and enter the second room.
Second room[]
  • Barricade the two windows.
  • Unlock the blood lock and enter the third room.
Third room[]
  • Lift the table.
  • Defeat the venator.
  • Lift the table.
  • Unlock the blood lock and enter the fourth room.
Ring puzzle 3 solution

The solution to the third puzzle.

Fourth room[]
  • Barricade the two windows.
  • Solve the puzzle by making the following moves:
    • Rotate ring 'A' clockwise once.
    • Rotate ring 'B' clockwise twice.
    • Rotate ring 'C' clockwise twice.
    • Rotate ring 'D' clockwise thrice.
    • Rotate ring 'E' clockwise once.
  • Climb upstairs.

Second and third floors[]

  • Talk to Veliaf.
  • Climb the stairs on both sides and open the blood valves in each room.
    • After defeating the venator in the western room, check on Ivan.
  • Back on the second floor, enter the northern door and open the blood valve.
Ring puzzle 4 solution

The solution to the fourth puzzle.

  • Climb down the stairs and solve the final ring puzzle by making these moves:
    • Rotate ring 'A' anti-clockwise once.
    • Rotate ring 'B' clockwise thrice.
    • Rotate ring 'C' clockwise once.
    • Rotate ring 'D' anti-clockwise thrice.
    • Rotate ring 'E' anti-clockwise thrice.

Confronting Drakan[]

  • Before entering the fight you can use stat-boosting potions and prayer restoration potions to make the fight easier, but these items cannot be brought to the fight.
  • Climb the stairs in the ring puzzle room and prepare to fight Lowerniel Drakan.
  • Kill the three venators.
  • Fight Lowerniel Drakan.
    • Run away from bombs which appear after he says "Ha ha ha!".
    • When he says things like "Still trying to run?" or "You think you can escape?" use Anticipation to avoid being stunned and dealt high damage.
  • Fight Lowerniel Drakan again.
    • When he says "Fear me!" and transforms into a cloud of dust, run away from the cloud.
    • When he says "Embrace darkness", stand within the sphere of lightning surrounding Safalaan.
  • Jump into the portal and fight Lowerniel Drakan again - he will use the same attacks as in the previous fights.
  • Talk to Lowerniel Drakan and then fight him for the final time.
    • Avoid bombs as before.
    • Move away from him when he is doing a special attack (rapid melee attacks) to avoid taking damage.

Finishing up[]

  • Select the "finish" option on Lowerniel Drakan.
  • Talk to Ivan. Cutscene will follow.
  • Talk to Ivan again. (Chat 1)
  • Go to Varrock Palace and talk to King Roald about Lord of Vampyrium.
  • Quest complete!


The Lord of Vampyrium reward
Music unlocked