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This is the quick guide for The Prisoner of Glouphrie.
Teleport to Castle Wars and head to the highlighted area north of the Observatory and south of the Ourania altar (just north-east of the crystal tree).
Walk up the path north-west until you reach a large dead tree. Search then climb-through it.
Investigate the ledge on the south end of the chasm and continue through the cave.
Move south and continue through the cave by jumping across gaps.
Travel north-west until reaching a water stream with stepping stones
Before crossing the set of stepping stones, investigate the small crevice in the south wall to your immediate east.
Cross the stepping stones, head southwest until you reach a crevice then climb-through and out of the cave.
Go west to the ledge overlooking Lletya and investigate the sturdy tree, then climb-down it.
Bolrie's Lab[]
After a cutscene, take the handwritten book on the crate next to you and read it.
Search all crates, lamps, shelves and the picture on the western wall.
Build the crate at the desk north of the ladder, then calibrate it.
Note down the number and colour value for all three.
Use the calculator below to get a working pair of shapes for each of the three value pairs. Note down the pair of shapes for each.
template = tpogc
form = tpogcF
result = tpogcR
param = target|Target intensity||int|0-100
param = colour|Target colour|Cyan|select|Cyan,Magenta,Yellow
Please wait for the form to load.
Please submit the form.
Obtaining shapes
To change the colour, rotate the prism near the singing bowl until it reaches the desired colour.
To change the shape, right-click fill or empty the singing bowl. Every time you fill or empty the bowl, the crystal will respectively gain or lose a side.
To finalize the crystal into the shape, sing-glass on the singing bowl.