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RuneScape Wiki
This article is about a mercenary organization. For other uses, see Skull (disambiguation).

Khnum, the Skulls leader of the Western branch.

The Skulls are a violent mercenary organization with branches in both in the Western lands of Misthalin and in the Eastern lands of the Wushanko Isles. In Misthalin, they are led by Khnum and own the The Skullery, their bar in Draynor Village, and their headquarters, outside of the Draynor Village border. In the Arc region of the Wushankso Isles, they ran operations from a fort on the main island of The Islands That Once Were Turtles, which has since been abandoned. Some of their criminal activities included racketeering, such as running a protection racket in the Draynor Village market, thieving, and kidnapping.

Recent activities[]

During the storyline of Stolen Hearts, the Skulls were hired by Lady Keli to kidnap Prince Ali.

They have also been hired by Tombi, the Khan of Thalassia, an island of the Wushanko Isles. They did his dirty work for him, which included controlling his people and selling them as slaves. They were eventually driven out of the area by the assassin, Ling.

The Iron Link launched an Invasion of Port Sarim using the Skulls as an attacking force upon the Sarim jails.


  • Khnum's Skulls is a play on the word numbskulls.[1]
  • The exact origins of the Skulls are unknown, as they have influence in both Draynor Village and the Eastern Isles. Whether they were formed in the East or West is still debated.


  1. ^ Jagex. Official lore livestream with Mod Osborne Official lore livestream, 2 August 2013.