This is the quick guide for The Slug Menace .For a more in-depth version, click
here .
Walkthrough [ ]
Talk to Sir Tiffy Cashien in Falador park. Members only IntermediateMedium to Long Skill requirements are not boostable unless marked with a [B] for boostable.
30 Thieving
Ability to defeat a level 51 enemy with melee. Items from the tool belt are not listed unless they do not work or are not automatically added.
Slug Prince (level 51), who drains prayer by several points with each attack and is immune to ranged or magic-based attacks
Witchaven weirdness [ ]
Imposing door [ ]
Climb-down the old ruin entrance west of Witchaven.
Push the wall to your immediate east.
Run through the cave until you reach an imposing door and attempt to open the door.
Take the agility shortcut near the entrance which requires level 30 Agility.
Savant will contact you.
Scan with the commorb.
Pick up the dead sea slug.
Talk to Jorral in the small outpost , north-west of West Ardougne . ( 2 ) …
Savant will contact you straight after.
Return to Col. O'Niall in Witchaven.
Talk to Brother Maledict in the church.
Page pieces [ ]
The completed puzzle
Search the Mayor's desk.
Talk to Ezekial Lovecraft in the fishing shop. ( 4 ) …
Talk to Col. O'Niall.
Try to use the swamp paste on the fragments.
Talk to Jeb to reach the fishing platform.
Talk to Bailey, west.
Use the glue on the fragments.
Use the image to solve the puzzle, there are 2 sides to the pieces so you might need to flip some.
Talk to Jeb to go back. ( 2 ) …
Shaped runes [ ]
With essence in your inventory, right click the papers to create 5 shapes.
Use the blank shapes on their respective runecrafting altars:
You can use the wicked hood to quickly teleport to the respective altars.
You need to enter the mysterious ruins of each altar, and use the rune on the altar.
Using spell book teleports will use the runes you have created.
Final fight [ ]
Items needed : The runes you created, melee equipment, Commorb v2
Climb down the old ruins in Witchaven, then enter the wall opening to your immediate east.
Follow the path to the imposing door again.
Use the runes on the door.
Kill the slug prince with your melee weapon.
Talk to Sir Tiffy. ( 1 ) …
Quest complete!
Rewards [ ]
1 quest point
3,500 experience
3,500 experience
3,500 experience
Promotion to Proselyte among the Temple Knights . This means you can buy and wear new Temple Knight armour with a greater Defence bonus than Initiate . You can buy each piece individually, or buy the armour pack which, when opened, gives you the plate, helm, and legs/skirt all at once. The pack is worth 25,000 coins .
2 Treasure Hunter keys and 2 Hearts of Ice
Music unlocked