RuneScape Wiki

The Sunlit Veil is a small strip of land in the The Skull region of the Wushanko Isles. It is popular with mermaids because of its warm, shallow seas. Mermaids live in the salt caves here.

Gu Master Taida is found here, guarding the shrine of a Forgotten Scroll.


  • In X marks the Spot the player sends a ship to locate and retrieve rich resources on a shipwreck near the Sunlit Veil.
  • In A Friend Indeed the player sends a ship to befriend a mermaid found on a nearby rock.
  • In Explore the Seas the player sends a ship to explore the salt caves beneath the Sunlit Veil in search of resources. They warn their captain to beware of the merfolk who live within the caves.
  • In Supply and Demand the player sends a ship to trade with the khan of the Sunlit Veil for a small supply of gunpowder.
  • In The Forgotten Scrolls the player sends a ship when they learn the Tengu has recalled a piece of a forgotten scroll enshrined at the Sunlit Veil. It is guarded by Gu Master Taida! Best him in combat, then prove your diligence.
  • In An Arcane Bounty the player sends a ship when they learn the Occultist understands that there's gunpowder near a magical lake in the Sunlit Veil. Help her obtain it.
  • In The Divine Claim the player sends a ship when they learn the Missionary knows of a source of gunpowder near the Sunlit Veil. Help him claim them.


  • The name and description of this area is a reference to the Veil area of the indie game Aquaria.
