RuneScape Wiki
[Name] the Troublesome
Release date 10 November 2014 (Update)
Members Yes
Position Suffix
Source Gameplay
Category Miscellaneous Titles
Hidden until unlocked

the Troublesome is a title unlocked by doing the following: Equip a Clan Crwys cape while having three cooking apples and three chocolate bars in the inventory, and attempt to take the memoriam crystal near the bank chest in the Meilyr Clan district, then use the memoriam crystal (unknown) on the memoriam device in the Tower of Voices.


This title changes according to the language of the server on which RuneScape is played, as shown below:

Language Title
German [Name] der Störenfried
French [Name] le provocateur / la provocatrice
Portuguese [Name] o Encrenqueiro / a Encrenqueira