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Chaos Order Good Evil
You find a world without balance. Chaos triumphs and violence is rife. The naragi - inhabitants of this world - fight over limited resources. What is your first action to bring balance?
Give the naragi rules to follow to live in peace. 25% 25%
Introduce more resources. 25% 25%
Impose rules on the naragi, smiting those who disobey. 25% 25%
Give the naragi knowledge to advance their weapons. 25% 25%
Soon a young warlord begins to gain power, earning respect through fear. If she were to rule, she would take all the resources for her court. Most naragi would have to fend for themselves. What do you do?
Fully back her. 25% 25%
Encourage the naragi to choose a more peaceful leader. 25% 25%
Encourage the naragi to stand against her forcefully. 25% 25%
Persuade the warlord to enforce rules for resources. 25% 25%
You sense rumbling in the mountains. A volcano is preparing to explode. What action do you take in the wake of this threat?
Warn them at the last minute. 25% 25%
Stop the disaster and avoid destruction. 25% 25%
Do nothing; let nature take its course. 25% 25%
Give the naragi plenty of warning to get to safety. 25% 25%
Over the next few years, a sinister disease becomes evident in some areas. It is threatening to spread widely. What action do you take?
Quarantine the areas that contain the disease. 25% 25%
Destroy the areas that contain the disease. 25% 25%
Encourage the naragi to take care of themselves. 25% 25%
Introduce medicines and knowledge to the naragi. 25% 25%
A council of naragi are gaining popularity to rule. They would bring rules of honour and justice to the population. What action do you take during the election?
Tell the council to use more drastic tactics. 25% 25%
Encourage the naragi to peacefully stand against them. 25% 25%
Kill the council. 25% 25%
Back the council fully. 25% 25%
Aside from overpopulation, the earth itself is unstable. You sense an earthquake on the horizon. What action do you take?
Give the naragi plenty of warning to get to safety. 25% 25%
Warm them at the last minute. 25% 25%
Stop the disaster and avoid destruction. 25% 25%
Do nothing; let nature take its course. 25% 25%
Tensions in the naragi society are building. Violence is flaring up. A full-blown war is liable to start at any moment. What do you do?
Encourage the naragi warlords to meet diplomatically. 25% 25%
Threaten the warlords if they break the peace. 25% 25%
Seed violence between the naragi warlords. 25% 25%
Introduce a natural disaster to distract the naragi. 25% 25%
As time passes, a warlord begins to increase in power. If he rules the naragi, he will enforce strict laws and harsh punishment. What action do you take?
Kill the potential ruler. 25% 25%
Provide him with weapons to help him rule. 25% 25%
Persuade him to give up his cause entirely. 25% 25%
Persuade him to relax his punishments. 25% 25%