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Queen help book
This is the quick guide for The World Wakes.
For a more in-depth version, click here.


Start pointQuest map icon
The World Wakes icon
Speak to Orlando Smith south of Thormac's tower
Member requirementP2P icon Members only
Official difficultyGrandmaster Grandmaster
Official lengthLong to Very Long
RequirementsSkill requirements are not boostable unless marked with a [B] for boostable.



It is recommended but optional to complete the following quests for full storyline comprehension, as well as additional rewards:

Quest Quests:
Items requiredItems from the tool belt are not listed unless they do not work or are not automatically added.
  • None
Enemies to defeat

If you die during a battle, your gravestone will be placed outside the temple. So you can take back all of your items easily.

Helping Orlando[]

  • Talk to Orlando Smith, west of the legends guild (fairy code BLR). (Chat 111)
  • Open the door.
  • Investigate all 6 artefacts in the room:
Inactive obelisk (north-west)
Stone carvings (north)
Another stone carvings (north-east)
Clouded vials (north-east)
Dusty parchment (south-east)
Shattered blade (south)
  • Investigate the Guthixian statue to the east.
  • Enter the next room to the east and kill the 3 automatons.
    • Warning: Automatons can kill you quickly with their special attack if you are too close. For this reason, you should be using ranged or magic to fight them.
  • Talk to Sliske. (Chat 31111212)

Defeating Kree'arra[]

  • After the cutscenes, talk to Kree'arra. (Chat 33)
  • Kill Kree'arra. Avoid standing on the tornadoes.
  • Walk through the door.

Lock mechanism[]

  • Run to the other side of the room and activate the control panel. (Chat 1)
  • While using the control panel you can release a boulder by clicking on the dispenser in the corner of the screen. The goal is to get the boulder from the dispenser to the receptacle tile (circular cavity with a green dot).
  • To solve the puzzle:
    1. Rotate the tracks to create a path from the dispenser to the green hole, matching the solutions below
    2. Click the appropriate dispenser to release the boulder
    3. When the boulder halts at a gate, wait for the next tile to auto-rotate such that the path continues, and click the gates to release the boulder at the right time

Leading the guardians[]

  • After the cutscenes, view the strange map to the east.
    • Answer four questions so that the pillars fill up halfway.
    • Click here for the answers.
  • After a short chat, you will need to drag the guardian icons to the correct threat:
Name Icon Versus
Chaeldar and Thaerisk Chaeldar and Thaerisk TWW icon Whoever is coming through this wing is very big and slow. It sounds like they are using their immense strength to force their way through the rock. Perhaps they don't have the intelligence to try any other way.
Cres and automatons Cres TWW icon It sounds like there are a lot of enemies breaking through here, and the foul stench of the undead can be smelled. Whoever is leading these troops must have an immense talent to undermine death itself.
Death Death TWW icon This enemy sounds large, slow and heavy, but they are using more than their strength to break through. The impact of magic can be heard alongside demonic chanting, so they must have some intelligence.
Valluta and Fiara Valluta and Fiara TWW icon Whoever is coming through here sounds small and nimble. They seem to be using only magic, so it could be assumed they'll have a high resistance to magic used against them. Their attacks sound extremely aggressive, as if they're beyond determined.
  • Talk to Juna. (Chat 11)
  • Drink from the elixirs if you need to restore your health or prayer.

Defeating Graardor[]

  • Enter the storage room guarded by Chaeldar and Thaerisk. (Chat 1)
  • Kill Graardor, Protect from Melee is preferred. Be aware of his special attacks:
    • He reflects your damage when he shouts "Graardor protect!".
    • Move away from his charging path when he shouts "Graardor mad!".
    • Avoid the falling debris by looking at the shadows when he shouts "Graardor smash!".
  • Enter the exit.

Defeating Zemouregal[]

  • Enter the storage room guarded by Cres. (Chat 1)
  • Kill Zemouregal:
    • Protect from magic works best here.
    • Start by killing the two dark portals.
    • Stay away from Decaying portals or kill them quickly.
    • Attack Zemouregal to about 70%.
    • Kill 4 more dark portals.
    • Kill the decaying portals to lower his defense, if necessary.
    • Finish Zemouregal.
  • Enter the exit.

Defeating K'ril Tsutsaroth[]

  • Enter the storage room guarded by Death. (Chat 1)
  • Kill K'ril Tsutsaroth, be aware of his special attacks:
    • When he shouts "You cannot stand against Zamorakian might!" avoid the spikes that appear under you.
    • When he shouts "Run, coward!" he will charge forwards, simply move out the way.
    • When he shouts "Guthix will die in the name of Zamorak!" you will need to constantly run from K'ril otherwise he will hit you very rapidly.
  • Enter the exit.

Defeating Enakhra[]

  • Enter the storage room guarded by Fiara and Valluta.
  • Kill Enakhra, Protect from Magic is preferred:
    • She will constantly steal from your health throughout the fight. The lower your health the less she heals.
    • If she begins to steal your health, hide behind an obstacle and she will stop.
      • Hugging around an 2x2 obstacle by running in circles beside it works well.
    • Try to stay below 2000 life points throughout the fight, low healing food like cakes and pizzas can keep you alive for a long time.
    • Use a bunyip if possible.
    • She will occasionally tackle you and stun you, activating freedom will free you.
  • Enter the exit.

Protecting Juna[]

  • Talk to Cres.
  • Talk to Juna.
  • Defend Juna from the spiritual enemies for 2 minutes, they are fairly weak.
  • Talk to Azzanadra. (Chat ~)


  • You may die multiple times during the next section, and combat is not required, therefore teleporting out and banking all your gear will drastically reduce the costs of death.
  • Enter the shattered wall.
  • Run down the path, avoiding the boulders and flames. You might get trapped between ice spikes, clicking on them will break them.
  • After the cutscene, walk towards Guthix. He will teleport you.
  • Walk between the islands, talking to Guthix along the way. (Chat ~)
  • On your return, talk to the guardians. (Chat ~~)
  • Saradomin will appear, talk to him. (Chat ~~)
  • Talk to Juna.
  • Quest complete!


The World Wakes reward
  • 3 quest points
  • Pale lamp granting 250,000 Prayer experience, requiring 80 Prayer (if you do not have 80 Prayer, you can destroy it and get it back from the High Druid)
  • Glossy lamp granting 110,000 Slayer experience, requiring 70 Slayer (if you do not have 70 Slayer, you can destroy it and get it back from the High Druid)
  • 3 ancient lamps granting 100,000 experience in three different skills at or above level 75 (you may destroy them and get them back from the High Druid)
  • 3 static lamps granting 50,000 Combat experience each in any combat skill at or above level 65 (you may destroy them and get them back from the High Druid)
  • Juna's Gift, Azzanadra's Gift, or Zilyana's Gift (may be changed to either of the three versions for free after the quest by talking to the High Druid)
  • Access to Guthix's Cave, where you can offer chronicle fragments for Divination experience
  • Access to the memory of Naragun using fairy rings with code AIS
  • 5 new ultimate combat abilities
  • 2 Treasure Hunter keys and 2 Hearts of Ice
Additional rewards/activities
Music unlocked